seventy seven

269 16 15

No matter how many times Shoto assured me I'd be fine, I couldn't shake the nerves I felt as I made my way over to his childhood home. He had to stay overtime at his work-study so I assured him I'd make my way there myself.

I'm rocking on my feet as I stand at the door to the Japanese style house, cracking my knuckles like I want to break them.

The door opens and a woman with white hair and red highlights stands there beaming at me.

"Oh my gosh, hi! I'm Fuyumi, Shoto's sister. He's right, you are so pretty!" She beams and I give her a shy smile and thank her as she welcomes me inside. "Shoto isn't back yet but please, come in." I take my shoes off as she talks.

She shows me to the seating room and tells me to make myself at home, her leaving the room for a second. I look around at the pictures and take note of a family photo from when Shoto was younger.

He looks to be around four in the picture, his scar not present and a cute little smile on his face. Damn, we'd have cute kids. Holding his hand, a tall boy with bandages stands, his eyes tired as he forces a smile.

I notice the bandages on his arms as he stands infront of Endeavor, the fire hero placing a hand on his shoulder. Fuyumi and another boy stand to Shoto's other side and a white haired woman stands next to Endeavor.

I recognize the eldest son, it has to be Touya Aka; Dabi. His eyes are unmistakable, the sapphire hue one that rivals Endeavor's own.

I didn't tell anyone about him being alive, I owed him that much after he patched me up on the day I killed my father. On the day I freed myself of him.

I look around further before I take a seat on the couch, Fuyumi returning a second later with two cups of tea. "So how long have you two been dating?" I freeze mid sip because it catches me off guard.

We aren't dating. I mean, we act like a couple but from the start, he told me he wanted to court me and take it slow. Which, at the time, I'd appreciated because of my apprehension on love but I don't know what to think.

"We aren't dating yet but Shoto is courting me." I blush but despite my words, her smile doesn't waver. She seems ecstatic about the idea of us being together and it's almost contagious.

We talk for awhile, her telling me funny stories about Shoto--- blackmail for later as I like to call it. I really like her company, she's the sweetest soul I've met. I have no idea how Endeavor's kids are so pure hearted. Well, save for Dabi but even he was sweet that day.

An hour passes and we hear the door open, loud chatter filling the otherwise empty house. I hear the distinct voice of Endeavor and gather that Shoto is here now. Fuyumi and I rise and make our way over to the entrance.

"Welcome home, father." Fuyumi bows to Endeavor and he acknowledges her with a nod. His eyes then fall on me and he looks taken aback before he sizes me up and scoffs, walking upstairs.

Rude as shit. I look over and my eyes widen when I notice Midoriya and Katsuki here too, them taking their shoes off with Shoto.

"Welcome, everyone! I'm Fuyumi, Shoto's sister." Midoriya sputters a formal hello and introduces himself, Katsuki saying a flat hi and a gruff introduction.

Shoto walks over to me and I beam, wrapping him in a bear hug. "Hi, sweetheart." He kisses the crown of my head before pulling back and giving me a forehead kiss.

I see Katsuki gag as he walks into the seating room, Midoriya waving at me before he follows him. "Shoto! I missed you!" Fuyumi is happy to see him.

After they break away from their hug, Fuyumi speaks, "Dinner is almost ready! Get dressed and join your friends in the seating room." She disappears into the kitchen and Shoto grabs my hand and pulls me to follow him.

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