fifty two

491 19 15

I've stayed in the house all week, taking Aizawa's advice and giving myself time to heal. It hasn't been all bad— no contact with the outside world besides from Nem and Prince.

I've had time to think over what I want. First, I need to speak to Shoto and then I'll decide whether I want to be a hero or not. As Nem keeps telling me: I don't want to pressure myself too much.

I'm not sure of the future right now but what I am sure of is my return to U.A. I need to see my friends to gage their level of hatred towards me. I also need to see Shoto.

It's a Saturday as Nem drives me to the school, feeling the need to treat me like a baby. "I can walk y'know." I rolled my eyes as she pulls into the school. She smiles, "I know but I want to baby my only daughter." That makes me smile too.

We walk into the main building, the halls barren as it's a Saturday and well– this is a school. Reaching the principals office, we walk in to be met with Principal Nezu.

He smiles at us, "Welcome, welcome, you two!" I give him a small smile as I sit next to Nem. Nezu speaks, "How are you feeling, Ikari?"

I shrug, "I'm okay but there's alot I need to work out." He hums in response as he leans back in his chair, the sight funny due to his size. "That's alright. You don't need to have the answer to everything right now." He paused.

"You should be celebrating your freedom and reuniting with your friends." I nod a little as I look down at my hands. He speaks again.

"You can move into the dorms when you're ready but right now, I think it's crucial you spend some time with your mother." I nod in agreement and he talks to Nem for a little before we leave.

We walk down the halls, our footsteps echoing before I speak. "Do you remember when we first met?" I ask with a small smile making her laugh.

"Gosh, of course I do. It's like fate knew you were my daughter and caused that typhoon to hit so we'd spend some time together." My chuckle is airy as I think of that day.

"We were soaked." Her laugh echoes through the halls a little. We walk out into the courtyard and she grabs my hand making me smile a little. "I love you, hun."

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying, "I love you too, Nem." She had been saying that alot and everytime she said it, I'd feel like crying.

I had never had anyone love me so openly before.

"Are you sure you're ready?" She asked me as we walked hand in hand. I had been avoiding this all week, fearing my classmates reaction to seeing me again.

Would they hate me? I would hate myself if I were them.

"I'm sure." I sigh as I look up at the class 1-A dorms, guilt eating me up inside. I betrayed them and now I'm asking for their forgiveness. Fate surely is a twisted thing, either doing good or bad.

I don't know which one this is.

Nem let's go of my hand and turns me to her, her hands on my shoulders. "I have to check on my class. Monoma likes causing fights with Shinso." She mutters making me chuckle.

It's just like Monoma to start fights with other classes. "Stay safe and have fun. Call me when you're ready to go." I wrap her in a hug as I nod, watching her advance down the path to the other dorms.

I start towards the dorm building, my nerves eat me up but I manage to push past them by opening the door. I look around and admire the common room, the homely feeling nice.

I notice there's no one here so I start down the hall only to bump into Aizawa sipping a cup of coffee. "It's two in the afternoon. You really have no shame." His head shoots towards me.

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