thirty one

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We stood infront of the Kiyashi ward shopping mall, the size of the mall almost as big as headquarters.

Everyone was here and ready to shop for the trip. Take the pink skinned girl next to me who was ready to knock me over with excitement.

"Babes!" She shook me by my shoulders, her body practically emulating excitement, "I'm so excited!" I grabbed her arms and glared at her half-heartedly.

"You're going to give me a concussion, Mina." She spotted a makeup stand and shook me further with a loud squeal. Tokoyami sweatdropped as people noticed us from the sports festival.

"I guess we're still well-known, huh?" Ojiro muttered as he watched dark shadow hide behind Tokoyami. "There's makeup, babes!" Mina wouldn't stop shaking me like a rag doll.

"Shoto, help." I called to the half and half in a dejected tone. He shook his head in amusement as he watched Mina rattle me about. I frowned and pulled out my last card.

"Kirishima! Take your soulmate off of me before I do it myself." The red head chuckled and pulled Mina off me, stepping back with his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

I glared at Shoto who did nothing to help me with her aggressive shaking. He gave me a smug grin and I rolled my eyes, turning to Yaoyorozu as she spoke to the class.

"I think it's best if we all split up in groups to get what we need and meet back up at let's say," she paused, "three?" Everyone agreed and began splitting off into individual groups.

Yaoyorozu made a B-line for an idle Shoto making a pang of familiar jealousy strike me deep. Why did I give a fuck? I was a cold hearted villain, damnit!

I killed for a living—granted, I despised it with every fibre of my being but that was besides the matter. It was obvious even to me that I cared about Shoto but the question constantly eluding me is, why?

Why did I give a shit if some rich ass pompous bitch batted her eyes at him? Because you like him. A voice told me making me scowl further.

The encounter I had with him at the train station the other day furthered my possessive nature towards him. The voice egged me on, telling me to eliminate the competition.

Kill her. It said as I watched the creation quirk user trail her manicured hand down Shoto's bicep.

She's touching what belongs to you. I try to push the voice away so I can fume in peace but no such luck entails me.

I remind myself that he's not mine and he can do whatever the fuck he wants. He is yours. You're soulmates, bound by fate. The voice won't quit.

Fuck fate. I've never believed in that bullshit anyway but the more I watch her twirl her hair, the more vindictive I become.

It's not like he can't talk to whoever he wants, he certainly can. I'm not an abusive asshole and from what I've gathered about Shoto, he's had an abusive childhood.

He deserves to have friends and he deserves to be happy. But from what I can tell from where I'm standing, he's uncomfortable. Yaoyorozu doesn't look like she wants to be friends.

I don't know why I'm so possessive of him but I doubt I'll stop feeling this way. So I'm going to take life by the horns because as the voice said, he's mine.

I teleported right next to Shoto and Yaoyorozu, scaring the shit out of the latter. I gave her a self-indulgent smirk, "Tsk Tsk, Yaoyorozu," My tone condescending as I spoke.

"Don't you know a hero should always keep her guard up?" She gave me an angry scowl as I toyed with her. "What do you want, Maindo?" She snapped at me making my smirk widen.

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