forty eight

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It's been a week since Aizawa's visit. I've taken his advice and I've been focusing on Shoto. It's worked during the day, the nightmares still haunting me.

At night, I imagine falling asleep in his arms and in the day, I wonder if he's moved on. If soulmates don't spend their life together, they tend to lead an unhappy life and some may die.

I don't want Shoto's fate to be either.

My thoughts are cut off by the sound of the door opening, light footsteps walking into the room. I watch the bars as I sit on my bed, my feet resting up by me as I scrunch in a ball.

The person who comes into my line of sight shocks me, a tear coming to my eye. Nemuri gives me a warm smile that makes the tear roll down my face.

"The hair suits you." Her voice is one I've missed dearly.

She gives me a smile and I feel another tear roll down my cheek. "Thank you." My emotions seem to get the best of me as I fall over my words.

"It's not your fault, hun." I shake my head in denial at her claim, black hair hitting my face slightly. Why does everyone keep saying that? Why do they all believe I'm not at fault?

They're all fools for believing as such.

"You deserve better, Ikari. You're only a kid." It's hard to believe their words. Frankly, I dont think I ever will because they aren't true. I wipe at my eyes and she sighs resting her head against the bars.

"I'm going to get you out of here, hun. I'm going to reclaim my daughter." Joy is what I feel at her considering me a daughter to her. She truly is like a parental figure to me— she's always been so kind to me.

I don't deserve anyone's kindness.

I feel more tears fall as I give her a weak smile, "I belong here, Nem. Locked away where I can't hurt anyone." And it was true. This cell, it kept me from hurting anyone ever again.

She shakes her head, clutching the bars tighter until her knuckes turn white. "You don't understand." She urges and I'm pretty sure I do. It's them who dont understand.

"I've been having these visions." My bones feel heavy at that. Confusion claws at my resolve as I watch her eyes line with a sheen of wetness.

"It's like my memory- it's- it's coming back to me." Her explanation has me furrowing my brows and scooting to the edge of my bed, standing up on weak knees.

She seems lost, searching my eyes for something— anything.

I sniffle, "Did you say visions?" Her nod of approval has questions running through my brain. I run through my own reclusive vision as I marr the possibilities.

"Do you remember my soulmate story?" I'm puzzled as I nod, attempting to piece together her words— obsessing over the misfitting pieces.

"There's more to the story that I didn't know." I listen intently at her omission,  attempting to stand on my now wobbly feet.

"During my year's relationship with my soulmate, I grew pregnant." My brows furrow, a deep comma forming between the two as I cling to her words.

"My soulmate took the baby and stole my memories." She grabs the bars firmer as I start to piece things together. Slowly but surely, the misfitting pieces morph into perfectly crafted parts— the puzzle shifting.

"That baby was you, Ikari. You are my child." The pieces click into place.

The same vision I've been having on repeat replays and the blurry face clears revealing Nemuri's face, her grey eyes looking confused before turning blank.

I gasp as I come back to the present, Nemuri staring at me with watery eyes. My breathing labours as I stare at her, tears rolling down my cheeks. She looks like me in the face and I feel light headed as I realize it.

She's my mother.

"Ikari, I promise you I'm going to get you out of this cell and back into my arms. As your mother, I'm going to ask for an appeal from the hero commission and reopen your case."

I shake my head but she counters me with a nod as I break down into sobs. "I don't deserve it, Nem." I feel my cheeks wet and a twin tear to mine rolls down her face, "Of course you do, hun. You're only a child,"

"You're my child."



SURPRISE!! You guys probably saw it coming though, you've all been sleuths from the beginning tbh.

I do hope it's wasn't TOO obvious though—I like the shock factor of writing yk. If it was, here's a pretzel for you. 🤭🥨

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