eighty seven

206 19 15

Boxes stack high to the high ceilings as I walk into the living room on a Saturday morning. It's an unexpected sight, the room being a jungle of brown boxes with the inscription of words like 'fragile' and 'carry with caution'.

I spot one with a drawing of what looks like a dick but the closer I inspect it, the more I recognize it's rocket like nature. I'm confused as to why there's so many boxes in my house and so I go looking for my mom.

I find her in the kitchen and she's not alone, Eri sits on the counter nibbling on a sugar cookie. The moment she spots me, she almost jumps off the counter to reach me, her shouting my name in joy.

"Hey, red." I pick her up and hold her close to me. She always calms me, it's something about how cute and comforting she is. "We're moving in Ikari! We're going to be living together!"

My brows shoot up at the tiny girl's words, moving in? I look to my mom in search of some confirmation from her. "Yes, hun. Shota and the kids are moving in." I could almost burst from how incredibly happy that makes me.

I'm sure I'm beaming by the time she speaks again, "Help them with unpacking, will you? Eri still has homework to do." I place the white haired girl onto the floor and she zooms back over to my mom.

"I guess I'll have to," I raise my voice, "seeing as I'm the only man here!" A scoff echoes through the house before I give my mom a smile and walk out of the kitchen to help them unbox.

I walk into the living room and I find Hitoshi sitting on the carpeted floor, seemingly trying to assemble a book shelf. I walk over to him and he speaks, "Dad is setting up Eri's room."

The book shelf falls apart and he shouts a loud 'fuck' making me purse my lips to hold back a laugh. "Language!" My mom's and Aizawa's shouts echo throughout the house.

"Fucking moron." I say as he scowls at the wooden planks for the shelf. His glare doesn't faze me as he looks up at me so I ignore it and kneel down to set the shelf up myself.

It takes me less than five minutes to do so. "How the cinnamon fuck, did you do that?" I sit criss-cross on the floor as I shrug, "I just have a big dick. It's nice and long and let's me get things done."

He makes a face, "I don't wanna hear about your supposed dick." I roll my eyes and then smirk at him, "Why because you don't have one?" He narrows his eyes at me in retaliation to my amazing roast.

"Kill yourself." He says to me causing me to say the blandest 'no' ever. "Then I'll do it for you." That's when this son of a bitch tackles me. He pins me to the ground and I slap him in the face as we brawl on the floor.

"Get off me you jelly bean, prom queen, rubber spleen looking ass bitch!" I yell as I throw him off me and he then speaks, "This is why you get no bitches."

"Last I checked, I was the one with a soulmate."

"Doesn't mean you get bitches."

"Of course I do, I get all the bitches."

He rolls his purple eyes at me, focusing on putting the tools away in the toolbox, "Calling Todoroki a bitch?" I snort at him trying to back me into a corner, "Shoto knows he's my bitch." I laugh.

Another eye roll, "Poor kid. Will never be me." I said that a couple months ago and now look at me. He should be careful what he says because fate likes to be funny.

Smirking, I say, "It's gonna be so funny when a girl comes swooping in and makes you her bitch." His nose scrunches up almost imperceptibly, "Fat chance I'll ever let that happen."

"Keep saying that. I'm going to laugh so hard when it does, though." He shoots me a bland look as he picks up his phone.

"This is why I hate you."

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