twenty seven

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I heard snickering. The kind where they were trying to hold back their laughter but were failing miserably.

I didn't like it but the biggest questions on my mind, 'Who's they?' and 'Why can't I move?'. I felt trapped.

But I didn't feel uncomfortable. Infact, I never wanted to move. I was perfectly fine with staying as I was, forever encapsulated in the warmth.

I forced myself to open my drousy eyes. I remember falling asleep during the movie last night.

Shifting, I felt a weight around my waist– an unfamiliar weight. My back was pressed up against something warm and hard. I went to move so I could get up but the weight around my waist pulled me back.

An arm. Someone's arm was wrapped around my waist. I tried to move again but the strong arm pulled me back and the person groaned, burying their head into the crook of my neck.

Red and white hair fell onto my shoulder and realization hit me. Todoroki was spooning me and the scariest part was– I didn't hate it. I'm sure I blushed because my body lit aflame.

It was like every single nerve ending in my body came to life and my heart sped up to an impossibly fast rate. If it beat any faster I'm sure I'd have a heart attack– a stroke even.

I needed to move– to escape the arm. So I tried to pull out of his warm embrace again. A drousy 'No' came from Todoroki and I sighed, my cheeks hotter than the sun. The snickering continued and I spoke in a whisper.

"Todo, I need to go to the bathroom." He grumbled at my omission but released me all the wise. The loss of the warmth made me frown but I pushed myself up anyway.

Four idiots were staring at me with shit eating grins on their faces. Their thoughts were flustering me so I growled and threw a pillow at them. They burst into laughter and I walked upstairs with a frown.

They were infuriating.


After changing and many questions from Mina which I promptly ignored, we walked downstairs to the smell of breakfast.

The smell of sizzling pancakes filled the air and drew me towards the kitchen where the boys were talking. They noticed our entry and Kaminari smirked making me shoot him a warning glare.

Bakugo was making pancakes at the stove while Kirishima hovered– trying to steal the batter. Kaminari was eating a cookie while sitting on the counter and Todoroki was sitting at the island.

Kaminari didn't heed my warning, "Well, if it isn't Todoroki's cuddle bug." A few snorted and I growled at him.

"We're in a kitchen Kaminari." He shrugged and pointed at me with his cookie, "That's true."

My frown deepened making him flinch, "Knives happen to be my specialty. I always hit my target." He then zipped his mouth and started annoying Bakugo for pancakes getting promptly smacked in the face.

After breakfast was over, everyone started filing out of the house to go back home. I grabbed my bag and gave Mina a goodbye when she stopped me half way out of the door with a hug.

I froze for a second when she embraced me. All my life, no one would touch me with a ten foot pole. Infact, no one would dare to look at me and I didn't mind it. I thrived on the fear.

But this feeling– this warm feeling I seem to experience when I'm with my friends– I have friends. The reality hit me like a wrecking ball.

I had real friends who cared.

This new feeling is so unfamiliar to me it feels weird. But a good kind of weird. Like the kind of weird you'd see if a horse turned into a unicorn.

The unfamiliarity was scary at first but it slowly encapsulated me in a warm embrace—just like the one I'm receiving right now.

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