twenty eight

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The sky was a bright blue as I walked down the road. I had decided to take my puppy, Prince, to Musutafu for a walk. I needed to get out of the headquarters today as there was to be a meeting with my father and my brother.

I didn't want to see either of them at the moment. Usually, I'd give anything to see my father but something drew me away from him today.

We reached the park and I sat on a bench as Prince ran around the green field. I had grown close to my new found canine friend. He doesn't cause any trouble at the base and he always alerts me when he needs the potty.

He bounced over to me and started licking my shoes. I chuckled and picked him up, placing him in lap. I often wondered if he'd run away from me soon.

Would he realize I'm an evil person and flee like anyone would? I couldn't tell what the future would hold so I decided to make the most of his presence now.

"Maindo?" A voice spoke from the pathway infront of the bench I was seated on. I glanced up and locked eyes with Todoroki making me raise a brow.

"Todo? What are you doing here?" He eyed the fluffy black puppy in my lap and spoke, "I could ask you the same." Prince looked up at the half and half, jumping off my lap to playfully tug at his trousers.

"Prince! Down." My puppy obeyed my orders and stopped his playful attacks as I picked him up. "Sorry about that. He's a bit playful." I gave the half and half a coy yet small half smile.

Todoroki stared at Prince with a curious expression. "Is he yours?" I gave him a nod as I adjusted my hold on the canine. "His name is prince. He's a black Labrador."

Todoroki reached out and pet the puppy in my arms making him lick his hand and bark. He gave a small laugh and I then put Prince down, watching as he ran into the field.

"So what brings you here?" I asked as I sat down on the bench. He sat down next to me and spoke, "I was on my way to the ice skating rink." He told me making me turn to him.

"I like to skate." He elaborated making me nod my head a little. Something about the notion of Todoroki spending his saturday's ice skating brought a tiny smile to my face.

"I came to hang out with Prince." I informed the boy making him nod. A comfortable silence engulfed us as we watched my dog jump around the field. After a while, Todoroki spoke up breaking the silence.

"Have you ever been ice skating?" He asked me making me turn to him. I shook my head in response. I'd never done any of the things that are considered 'fun', I wasn't allowed.

He gave me a perplexed look, "You've never been?" I shook my head and gave him a 'no' with a small chuckle.

"Would you like me to teach you? It's really calming." His cheeks were a dusted pink as he spoke.

I thought it over for a second. I didn't want to go back home right now as it was still mid-day and the thought of hanging out with Todoroki made my heart jump in excitement.

I gave him a nod, my lip quirking up for a second, "Sure. I'd really like that." He gave me a small smile and I'm sure my heart had thawed a little from it's icy prison.

I then called for Prince and he ran over. "But I don't know if they'll let a dog into the ice rink." He hummed at my observation as I hooked Prince onto his lead.

"I believe they have a groomers in the mall. You can leave him there while we skate." I agreed and we walked towards the mall. After giving prince to the groomers so he can get a puppy bath while we skate, we made our way to the ice skating rink.

We paid for an hour and we were given some ice skates. I sat down outside the rink with Todo and we put our skates on. Let me rephrase that; Todo put his skates on.

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