forty nine

480 22 15

Shoto Todoroki POV

I sit in a plush living room, staring at a T.V that seemed to play an advertisement.

A hand touches my shoulder, "Are you sure you want to do this, Shoto?" Her voice calls out and I find myself nodding.

I toy with the leather of the couch I sit at, the feeling of the cold material calming me. She takes a seat next to me and puts a tray of tea down, taking my hand a second later.

I've felt empty over the last two months. I haven't spoken to my father or siblings- or anyone for that matter. Anyone but her. She stares at me with loving eyes, her thumb caressing my hand.

"The case will go in our favor." Her thumb draws small circles on my skin, grounding me. She's a pillar for me and has been for the last two months. I'm so lucky to have her.

I give her a small nod, "I hope so, mom." The white haired woman gives me a small smile in response.

I ran away to my mom's house. Well, she's being taken care of by some psychologists but she's allowed to live on her own. Just not with my father.

Never with my father.

The T.V changes back to the news and the reporters begin to speak. "Welcome back. In a few minutes we'll be watching the appealed case of Ikari Maindo, daughter of All for One." What feels like hours pass before the camera changes to the courtroom.

When I first heard about the appeal of her case, I felt such inexplicable happiness. I believe they'll give her a second chance because I know she's an amazing person.

I just hope I'm not wrong.

When the cameras focus on her I feel my heart leap out of my chest. She looks alive and well but I can't help but notice the dejected look in her blue eyes.

She's cut her hair too, her short black tresses suiting her nicely and bringing out her facial structure. I like it alot. Though, I'd like her even if she didn't have any hair.

My adoration for her runs deeper than that.

"Poor girl." My mother mutters as she sips on her tea. The judge rattles on about her case being appealed. "Do you, Ikari Maindo, swear under oath to speak the truth and truth only?" The judge asks.

Ikari nods and when I hear her voice, a tear comes to my eyes. "I do, your honor." The judge seems satisfied by her answer, looking through his paperwork for a second.

"Could you tell us a bit about yourself?" The judge's request is met by her nod. "My name is Ikari Maindo and I'm sixteen years old. I was raised in Japan, living and working for All for One."

I feel my heart fall a bit. Hearing the words from her mouth don't do anything to soothe the doubt rooted inside me.

If she was lying about being an orphan, did she ever even care for me? Or was that a lie too?

I have read every single news article out there on her, filtering through what I believed was true and a fabrication until it drove me insane.

"And how long did you work for All for One?" She answered immediately, "Around seven years."

That means she was nine when she started killing people. I felt my gut clench at the thought but I listened intently as the judge spoke, "Can you give us a look into your childhood?" The judge asked.

"When I was a toddler, All for One hired different villains to teach me different skills. But as I grew, he had fully stopped doing as such and instead gave that task to my adoptive brother, Tomura Shigiraki."

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