forty five

463 17 3

I'm surprised to wake up.

I open my eyes and look around, white and grey walls meeting me. The room feels stale and cold as if it's secluded.

I feel heavy as I sit up without any injuries. My wrists have two thick silver bracelets around them. I look around and observe my surroundings. A toilet and sink meet my line of sight, intriguing me.

I then look to the side of the room and I meet the sight of white bars. I decided to stand, feeling light headed as I walk over to the bars.

Is this heaven or hell?

I'm not wearing any shoes but I'm wearing a white jumpsuit that feels nice on my skin. "Hello? Is this hell?" I ask and the men standing outside the bars flinch.

"She's awake." A few of them rush out of the empty room outside the bars. "Where am I?" I'm feeling lost and confused.

My head feels like shit too. The men ignored me so I sat on the floor, putting my head against the bars. I keep my head there— eyes zeroed in on the pristine grey floors.

What feels like hours pass before the doors to the room open and two sets of footsteps walk through. I don't bother raising my head, feeling like fainting from the lack of water.

"Ikari Maindo?" A man's voice makes me look up. He's wearing a suit and tie, looking like an authoritative figure. Next to him is who I remember as AllMight. He looks weaker and very different from who I'm used to.

"I think I'm her. I'm not sure seeing as my head hurts." The suited man gives a nod and gestures to one of the men making him leave.

The man returns with a plastic cup of water and places it on the floor and through the bars. I feel like an animal as I drink the water but don't comment on it.

After I down the water, the suited man and AllMight sit on the black couch infront of the bars. Suit man begins to speak, "My name is Detective Tsukauchi and were here to inform you of your fate." He says making my stomach churn a little.

The man from earlier places a granola bar through the bars and I take it nodding to him in thanks. "You're currently in Tartarus and it has been two weeks since the Kamino incident." Tsukauchi says.

I chew on the bar as my stomach drops. I'm in prison. I'd expected as much but I held up the hope that maybe I was in hell. I now see hope is a troublesome thing.

I've been out for two weeks which means Shoto must know about me by now if he didn't know already. My heart seems to hurt as I think of him but I listen to the two men infront of me anyway.

"I have to say, you really did pull one over on me, Young Maindo." AllMight says as I listen intently, "You didn't seem much like a villain to me during the time that I taught you."

I rolled up the wrapper of the granola bar and threw it out of the bars. "Looks can be deceiving but I guess I didn't act like a villain, did I?" I shrug and then fold my legs under me.

They ignored me and Tsukauchi then spoke and my heart dropped into my stomach, "I regret to inform you that you are sentenced to life in prison without parole under acts of terrorism, betrayal of the hero commission and betrayal of the nation of Japan."

I nod and look down at my hands, wondering if I willed myself to disappear, I would. "Can I ask you something?" My voice came out rather small but I couldn't bring myself to care.

My dignity is out the window at this point.

"I suppose it depends on what the question is." Tsukauchi acknowledged as he looked through his files for a second. "Is he dead?" Was the first question I had, needing the peace of mind.

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