thirty nine

460 17 39



I suggest listening to Dynasty by MIIA while you read this chapter. Again, I apologize in advance.


After Aizawa had tired me to no wits end, I lay on the ground and told him he was a bitch for almost killing me. He scoffed, masking a chuckle and I looked up at him from my place on the ground.

I didn't want to betray them.

Class 1-A had become my family-the only real family I could rely on. Betraying them felt like ripping my own heart out and stomping on it.

"Aizawa, I need to tell you something." I was going to tell him. If he got the class out of here before tomorrow night, this could all be avoided. He quirked a brow, "What's wrong?" His voice held a tint of concern.

"I-" I cut myself off, fearing what he'd do if I told him I was a villain. Would he kill me or would he lock me up? I feared what my brother would do if I was locked up. He'd probably break into the prison to kill me himself.

"I-" I couldn't do it. "I hate you."

I couldn't do it because I was a terrible person that should have ended it back in my room at headquarters. I'm putting everyone in danger for what?

For Shoto. The voice was right, I was doing it to save the life of the person who saved me. I owed him for pulling me out of the dark place I was in at the beginning of the year. He showed me what true happiness was.

"I hate you too, kid."


"Why do we have to cook!?" Kaminari was on the verge of tears as he cut onions and the sight amused me. I walked past him and made my way over to Shoto.

"Do you want to cook together?" I asked the half and half who was infatuated by Katsuki's cooking skills. "I'm afraid, I won't be much help." He picked up the string bean he had mutilated making me burst into laughter.

"How are you doing that, Bakugo?" Uraraka was referring to how fast the blonde was chopping carrots. "Do none of you asshats know how to cook!?" Katsuki's voice was loud and angry.

I sat down next to Shoto and gestured for him to move over. He gave me the chopping board and I began chopping at the speed of light, making everyone around us gasp.

"How do you do that!?" Mina squealed as she helped Kirishima make a pot of soup over at the fire place. "I'm good with knives." I shrugged throwing a knife at Kaminari making him scream as it narrowly missed him.

"You didn't even hit him." Yaoyorozu scoffed from where she sat on her phone. I made the knife bounce back into my hands, it resembling a boomerang.

"I meant to miss him. I don't intend on killing my friends," I paused, cringing at the irony and then narrowing my eyes at her, "Most of the time."

Stain had trained me in knife control when I was younger and frankly, I could kill someone in my sleep. Not that I feel the want to do that anymore, it feels far too evil for me now.

The raven haired girl scoffed and muttered a 'Yeah right' and I then threw my knife sideways, keeping my eyes locked with hers.

It pinned Mineta's shirt to the wall and he screamed in fear making Mina die of laughter. "I always hit my target, Yaoyorozu." She rolled her eyes and went back to scrolling through her phone, occasionally helping Iida cook.

I looked to Shoto, "I dont know how to cook either but we can try, right?" He gave me a small smile and a nod. An hour later we frowned at the black soup that sat on the stove.

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