seventy three

295 15 1

"Denki, stop playing Shake it off!" I shouted from the kitchen, a few laughs sounding from the common room. I shake my head with a chuckle.

Eri's birthday went off without a hitch and she enjoyed it more than anything else in the world. The apple pie my mom had baked for her was her favorite part and I couldn't stop smiling at the way she guarded it from Shinso.

But today was Christmas and Class 1-A were all celebrating it together at the dorms. I volunteered to help Katsuki and Sato out in the kitchen, my patience wearing thin with the song choices Denki kept making.

"You're surprisingly good at baking." Sato said to me, a vibrant laugh escaping my lips at his backhanded compliment. Fair enough, though, they all saw my cooking at camp. "I know right!? My mom has been showing me how to bake and I really think I'm getting the hang of it."

Katsuki grumbled something under his breath and I shot him a look, "Shut your musty ass up, Kats. Atleast I know how to not make a fucking mess." He scowled at me and threw an eggshell at me.

I flipped him off earning the same thing in return before I focused on what I was previously doing. I looked up to see Midoriya walk into the kitchen, a happy smile on his face.

"It smells amazing in here! You guys are so talented!" I smiled at him before waving him off, "Eh, I'm okay but Katsuki is the real genius, right, Sato?" Sato looked at me and I told him to play along in his head.

"Yeah, he's the mastermind behind it all." Midoriya looked to Katsuki with an inquisitive look before he walked over to him. "This is pretty awesome of you Kachan." I watched as Katsuki looked up from the dough he was kneading before averting his eyes again.

"Yeah, whatever." He muttered as Midoriya took a seat at the island across from him. I watched as Midoriya eyed a fresh batch of cookies Katsuki had just baked.

"Can I uh- have one?" Katsuki looked up at the greenette and held his gaze for a second before looking back down, his thoughts a flurry of emotions. "Whatever, I don't give a shit." Midoriya took a cookie and bit it, his eyes immediately twinkling.

"These are so good! You're so talented Kachan!" Katsuki grumbled what sounded like a 'thanks' under his breath making my eyes widen in shock. He barely ever thanked anyone.

"I'd pay a pretty penny to have these for the rest of my life." Midoriya muttered as he eyed the cookie and I grinned evilly before I spoke in his mind. "Don't worry, Midoriya. You will." What can I say? I was a tease.

Midoriya jumped and narrowed his eyes at me before flipping me off in the most discreet way possible. I gasped and stood there shocked as I hadn't expected as such from the boy I'd deemed innocent.

He sighed and got up, "Keep up the good work guys! And Maindo, watch your mouth." I was left a sputtering mess as he left the kitchen, a shocked look on my face. "You heard me asshole!" I shouted at him as he disappeared from sight.

Katsuki side eyed me with a nasty scowl and I rolled my eyes, "I'm starting to see why you don't like that little shit." I was kidding, of course. I liked Midoriya, infact, I thought he was extremely talented and kind.

I just didn't expect him to be so crude.

Not that I'm any better but it still shocked me all the wise. "Didn't expect him to threaten me like that." I laugh as I ice the cupcakes Sato made. "He's not as innocent as you think. He's got a bad mouth." Katsuki muttered, eyes on the cookies he was placing on the tray.

"I take it he learnt that from you?" Katsuki raised a hand and flipped me off causing me to laugh, a small smile on Sato's face as he made an ice cream cake and an apple pie.

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