thirty three

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I hid behind Katsuki as we walked outside onto the pool grounds.

My new found confidence had fissled out a little and I now had a very fragile self-esteem but still, it was better than before.

Katsuki opened the doors and walked through but I didn't budge. He sighed and then put his arm over my shoulder, dragging me with him.

When we entered, everyone was doing their own thing. It seemed as if the boys were exercising and the girls were splashing in the pool.

"Maindo! You made it!" Kirishima's jovial voice sounded through the air and I cringed when everyone's attention drew towards us.

The laughter and conversation stopped for a second as they looked at me and Katsuki before they went back to what they were doing but I didn't miss the way their eyes traveled all over my body.

"Babes! I'm so sorry!" Mina cried as she clung to my other arm. Katsuki slapped her away and she pouted at him in response. "It's alright. I know you didn't do it on purpose." I could read her mind and she was as genuine as they get.

It was fucking Yaoyorozu that tricked her into believing it was just us girls. Knowing her, she did it on purpose too. God, if I had the chance, I'd end her where she stands.

Kaminari and Mineta walked over and ogled over my body making me cringe a little. Katsuki shot a massive explosion at them that shook the floor and I laughed a little at their misfortune giving him a quiet thank you.

Shoto Todoroki's POV

I watched as Bakugo and Ikari conversed with their friends and I couldn't help the waves of jealousy that washed over me like an angry waterfall.

I didn't mind their conversation. No, what annoyed me to no wits end was the arm Bakugo had draped over Ikari's shoulder. They looked like a couple and the notion alone made me snap the dumbell I was holding into two halves.

I had to remind myself that I wasn't allowed to be jealous as we weren't dating and they were just friends.

"You think if I asked Bakugo on a date he'd say yes?" Ikari's words from a few weeks ago fell through my mind like a twenty pound stone. Did she like him as more than a friend?

She said she was testing me to gage my reaction but I couldn't stop a pang of insecurity from spreading through me.

I heard another snap and I looked over to my right to see a fuming Midoriya. If looks could kill, Ikari would be six feet under by now.

I quickly realized why though. Bakugo was to Midoriya as Ikari is to me. Except, their relationship is far more complicated– for what reason, I know not.

"I don't understand you two." I confessed making Midoriya snap out of his ever so angered state. He turned to me—perplexed—and then muttered a 'who' that sounded strained.

"Bakugo and you." He let out a puff of air and then shrugged, "There's nothing to understand. He's my childhood enemy." I saw straight through his lie.

"Is that why you're soulmates?" He froze and gave me a fearsome glance, "What are y-you saying?" He stuttered alot when he was lying, I've known him long enough to pick up on that.

"It's quite obvious, Midoriya." He groaned in frustration and then picked up another dumbell as his last one had broken in two. I greatfully accepted a bottle of water from Iida and leaned back against the wall.

"It doesn't matter if he's my soulmate. He's made it clear that he hates me and he wants me to move on." His eyes were intense as he watched his soulmate. It didn't make sense to me why they were so hostile towards eachother.

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