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My two days off from school had been hell.

Tomura wasn't happy about my 'losing' of the festival and he decided to let his anger rip on me. My body was in a bad state and I felt weak as I walked to school.

I had stitched up my stab wounds but there was only so much I could do with the severity of the injuries. Tomura liked to stab me. It was like each stab he gave me, took a piece of trauma away from him.

In a sick way, I felt like I deserved all the injuries he gives me. I count each injury as payback for every innocent life I've ever taken.

In a way, it was like a way to serve them justice in the form of my brother's abuse. My father has turned a blind eye towards Tomura's cruelty and I'm sure if I told him, he'd consider me weak.

And maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't as tough as I made myself seem. Physical pain didn't hurt me as much anymore. I don't think I even have a heart to endure any emotional abuse either.

Reaching the U.A gates, a bunch of reporters crowded the entrance and I sighed at the sight. I was too mentally and physically tired for the press.

I pushed myself through them as they tugged and pulled at me, ripping open some of my stitching. I was getting lost in flashing cameras and questions—far too many questions I couldn't answer due to my spinning head.

Someone grabbed me, yanked me out of the chaos and onto the school grounds. I looked up to be met with Bakugo. His eyes met my face and they widened for a split second.

I tried to still my dizzying mind and then gave a nod. I huffed and immediately regretted the action. He regarded me for a second and nodded back. When we arrived to class everyone was talking about the news.

I kept my head down as I made a B-line for my desk and slumped in it, cursing when I felt more stitching rip. I was an idiot. I should have skipped school today but the thought of staying home with Tomura made me want to be sick.

I put my head in my arms, not wanting anyone to see my battered face. I felt a pair of eyes burn into my flesh but I didn't bother checking who they belonged to.

Aizawa started homeroom and started talking about internships. I kept my head in my arms, willing myself to turn into dust so I could get carried away with the wind.

For someone so young, I was constantly in pain.

I said I liked chaos, but in reality I hated it more than life itself. I just say I do so I can keep my villainous streak strapped onto my skin. I like silence and even more, I like nature.

I'll never admit it out loud for obvious reasons but I really did enjoy them. Aizawa talked about how many internship requests we had gotten and the class balked at the amount Todoroki, Bakugo and I had received.

I didn't bother looking up at the board. I'm sure if I did, Aizawa would throw a hissy fit at the state of me. Frankly, I was too tired to. I hadn't got a wink of sleep since the night before the festival.

Seventy-two hours of no sleep.

"It was more spread out over the years but as you can see, this year the top three are rather close in requests." Aizawa explained.

"How did Maindo get 5067 requests!?" Kaminari cried in half shock half envy. It wasn't bad for second place but I was too tired to celebrate over it. Internships were a cool thing for me seeing as I'd get to see the ins and outs of a hero's mind.

It also meant I'd get to be away from home for a week which didn't hurt either. Aizawa explained that we had two days to choose an agency to intern with before we had to give him an answer.

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