thirty eight

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We had sat down to eat dinner and Aizawa then informed us we had gender separated hot tubs waiting for us out back. So Mina and I finished dinner as fast as we could, flipped the boys off and dipped to the tubs.

After taking our clothes off, we went into the outdoor hot tub and relaxed. "This is so good!" Mina cried and I sighed in agreement. We gossiped a little and then the other girls joined us.

We spoke with Jiro while Asui, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka spoke to eachother. We heard the boys walk out into their hot tub over the large bamboo wall.

"So can we like talk about soulmates because I need to know who's with who." Uraraka announced to the six of us making Mina nod and clap.

"Who's going to start?" Asui muttered making Uraraka volunteer, "I will. Better to rip the band aid off, right?" A few nodded while I sat quiet, observing everyone.

"My soulmate is Midoriya." Mina and I looked at eachother and gave eachother the same 'bullshit' look. "I knew it!" Yaoyorozu giggled making me want to hit her with a knife. It's a shame I left them in the changing rooms.

"Okay, I'll go next." Asui paused for a second, "My soulmate is Tokoyami." She gave a small smile and I knew she was telling the truth—she was as honest as they get.

The girls squealed and Mina spoke up, "Jiro, you should go next!" The earphone user gave a small grimace, "Fine. Mine is-" she cut herself off with a small blush, "Kaminari." A whisper.

Mina gasped and then began to shake the raven haired girl. "You guys are perfect!" I smiled at their exchange and Mina then spoke up again, "Mine is kinda obvious, it's Eijiro."

They giggled and Yaoyorozu spoke up, "Mine is also obvious, it's Todoroki." I snorted and everyone—save for Mina—gave me a weird look.

"Why are you laughing?" The black haired girl scoffed and I raised a hand, trying to calm myself. "I'm sorry, it's just-" I calmed down a little.

"Have you ever heard of a therapist? I heard they help delusional people." Mina snorted and so did Jiro.

Yaoyorozu scoffed in outrage, "Excuse me?" She asked in a sharp tone.

"I know for a fact, two people here are lying through their teeth." She scoffed again and then raised a brow, "And you know this because...?" She trailed off, trying to make me look stupid.

For a bunch of heroes, they were really dumb. It's been almost five months and they still haven't figured out my quirk? Shameful. "I think you all forget I can literally read minds!" I annunciated loudly.

A loud accumulation of shocked 'what's' sounded from the girls who didn't know and from the boys too. "You can what!?" Midoriya screamed from the other side of the wall.

"I said I can read minds and I know every lie, every secret and every weakness of every single one of you!" A loud scream resonated from a few people and the Bakusquad and I laughed maniacally.

I lowered my voice, "So I know two people are lying here." Uraraka and Yaoyorozu looked guilty but I zeroed in on the girl I had a vendetta against.

"But you, Yaoyorozu," I said smoothly, "I'd know you're lying even without my quirk." And I would because he was mine and I think she was starting to catch on.

"You can't prove anything." She hissed like the snake she is. My brow quirked at her challenge and I then did what I should have done from the beginning.

"Shoto Todoroki!" I called out and everyone went dead silent, Yaoyorozu turning ghostly white. A moment passed and I heard a few ushered 'ooh's' and some 'oh shit!'s' from the boy's side.

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