twenty four

587 24 16

Monday morning came fast and I heard laughter as I walked into class. Looking around, I spotted Kirishima and Kaminari laughing at Bakugo.

My brows pinched in confusion before I realized why they were laughing. Bakugo had his hair in a side part and slicked down with gel.

The sight was absolute comedy gold.

"Maindo! Look at him!" Kaminari was bursting with laughter as I walked over to them. Ashido bit her lip to hold back her laughter while Bakugo shouted at the two boys.

I stood infront of them and bit my lip to keep myself from laughter. I may be able to laugh infront of Todoroki but I definitely won't infront of the class.

Bakugo furrowed his brows at me as I bit my lip so hard, I drew blood. "Nice hair." The words came out strained as I said them. He glared at me and spoke.

"Best Jeanist did this and now it won't go back to how it was." He grumbled in an angry voice, throwing an explosion at Kaminari when he got too close. I hummed in understanding and walked over to him.

"What are you-!?" I cut him off with a glare, "Don't make me regret this, Bakugo." He shut up, intimidated by my glare as I ran my hands through his hair to get it back to normal.

After a few seconds it went back to normal, he sighed in relief and Ashido awed, "That's so cute!" I glared at her and her smile dissipated into a flat line.

I felt eyes train onto me but I ignored it.

"Good to see you, Bakugo." I gave him a friendly clap on the back before walking away to my desk. "Hello, Maindo! How are you feeling?" Midoriya's perky voice sounded from the desk infron of Minetas.

I gave him a small nod, "I'm better now. How's your arm?" Normally, I wouldn't give a shit about other people's feelings but after what I learned from Chizome and my encounter with my brother, fuck what I'd normally do.

He gave me a bright smile, "Recovery Girl healed me so I'm all back to normal!" I nodded in understanding and sat in my chair.

The class began talking about our encounter with Stain and I zoned out of their conversation. I didn't want to hear it. I frowned as I thought about what Stain said.

My father tried to kill me. I would confront him about it but it would either end in him actually killing me or irreversible mental damage. Then again, I probably won't feel the same way about him after what I've learnt.

Don't get me wrong, I knew my father was an evil man but he's never been that way to me. I thought he atleast had a little bit of love for me but if he tried to kill me at the ripe age of five, I was sadly mistaken.

I felt someone's eyes on me and I looked to my right to see Todoroki staring at me with a frown. I almost fell out of my seat in shock. I had never seen such a childish look on the hetrochromatic boy.

"Hey, Todo." My lip twitched in amusement when he frowned further. "Hey." His voice was tight with something I couldn't detect.

I furrowed my dark brows in confusion, "What's wrong?" He glared at someone a few seats infront of me and I followed his gaze to see Bakugo. He caught Todoroki's glare and confusion crossed his face before he glared back.

Why was he glaring at Bakugo?

I ignored their weird glare off when Aizawa walked in. "Good morning. I hope you all learned something substantial from your internships." The raven haired man stood infront of the class.

I hate to admit it but I had infact learned something from Endeavor. I could now hear anyone's thoughts at any given moment– save for Todoroki but it's not like I could anyway.

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