fifty four

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I went back to school on Monday, still living with Nem but going to school everyday. The whole school gossiped about my return, everyone giving me greetings and smiles.

Lunch time came around quickly and my friends and I made our way to the cafeteria. "And then Denki goofed and she told him to fuck off." Mina was telling me about all the tea in the school.

"Dunce face won't be getting a girlfriend until he's thirty five." Katsuki scoffed from next to me making Mina nod with a sigh. "I heard that!" The blonde shouted from the front of the lunch line where he got some food with Mineta.

"You were supposed to, asshat!" Katsuki shouted back making Mina and I burst into a fit of giggles. "Hundred bucks says he'll get one by the end of the year." I bet against Katsuki.

He scoffed, "You give him too much credit, Strange. Deal." He shook my hand with a smirk. Midoriya and Shoto walked past us and the latter gave me a wink making me smile and blush.

Mina 'ooh'd' and Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the half and half as he sat at the table with the Dekusquad— as Kaminari so graciously calls them.

"Do you think they're dating?" Katsuki asked me making me look at him like he was crazy. Scratch that, he was crazy. "What? No!" He shot me a skeptical look and I sighed in aggravation as he spoke again.

"Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes as I picked up a lunch tray, "Did you not just see Shoto wink at me? Yes, I'm sure, dumbass." Sometimes, I wonder how he gets through the day.

He squinted his eyes at me, "How do you know?" Mina giggled as I shot him a dirty look.

"Because he's my soulmate," I lowered my voice, "And you and Midoriya are like crazy for eachother," I shot Mina a look, "literally." Kirishima and Mina burst out into laughter as Katsuki shouted at me.

"I'll kill you!" I loaded up my plate with what I wanted, frowning when the chocolate cake was finished. "I'd like to see you try, Thotsuki Bakuhoe." That's when Mina and Kirishima died of laughter.

"I missed you so much babes." Mina wiped her tears of laughter away as we walked to our table which was opposite the Dekusquad's. A few third years sat at it and scowled at Kirishima and Bakugo as we approached it.

Their eyes shot to me and they blushed, gathering their things before leaving. We sat down, eating our food whilst simultaneously talking. "So you're like taking some new class they made for you?" Kirishima asked as we ate.

I nodded, shoveling pasta into my mouth like my life depended on it. It had been two weeks since I got out of solitary— a girl can miss the taste of good food.

"I'm supposed to be having the classes everyday after school. It's like an extra period." Mina groans at my omission, "That sucks. I was going to copy the math home work answers from you." I laughed when she shot Katsuki a glare.

"This bitch only helps his brostitute, Aka; the other bitch who won't let me copy." I bark out laughter, almost choking on my pasta as Katsuki and Kirishima argue with her.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll send you the answers via text." She sticks her tongue out at her soulmate and flips him off making him narrow his eyes at her before smirking.

I decide to ask them a question that's been on my mind for the longest time, "How did you two become soulmates?" I ask the two making them turn to me with vibrant smiles.

Kirishima eager to tell me. "When we were in middle school, Mina was really popular and I had a huge crush on her. She was always so brave, standing up to bullies and uplifting others— I wanted to be like her." I watched Mina give him a cute emotional pout as he spoke.

Mina then spoke, "Then one day, we were like walking the opposite direction in the halls when I dropped my flyers. He rushed over and helped me but you never guess what our first words were." She laughed making Kirishima blush in embarrassment.

"Mine were 'Shit. I'm such an Airhead.' While his were," She gestured for him to speak and he put his head in his hands, groaning loudly in embarrassment. "It can't be that bad." Katsuki rolled his eyes at the red head.

"I said, 'It's alright! It's good to have air in your head.'" Katsuki and I looked at eachother for a split second before bursting out into boisterous laughter, smacking the table.

"Never mind, that shits embarrassing." Katsuki laughed at Kirishima before he told him to fuck off making us laugh more. "I love that! It's cute." I smiled making Mina nod.

"My first words were, 'I don't need your reassurance'" I laughed making Mina join in. "And mine were, 'You're not a Villain' which you're not." I jumped at the voice behind me only to realize it was Shoto.

I looked behind me to reveal the glorious sight of my soulmate smiling at me mischievously. If there was one thing I was obsessed with, it was Shoto's smile.

He had his school uniform shirt rolled up to reveal his forearms as he leant on the table I was sitting at with my friends, essentially caging me in with his strong arms.

"I have a surprise for you." I raised a brow in question and he then placed a plate of chocolate cake infront of me making me gasp.

"But there weren't any left." He chuckled at my confusion, "I got one as I went through the line." I gave him a sweet smile as I looked up at him from where he stood behind me.

"Thank you, Sho." Shoto smiled and leaned down, quickly pecking me on the lips. Mina gasped and fell out of her seat, all of us turning to her in shock. "You okay there, sweet?" Kirishima asked over the table but she shot up to her feet, looking around at us like nothing happened.

"Oh we are definitely talking about this." She told me telepathically making me chuckle and roll my eyes. "Anyway, don't mention it, beautiful." Were Shoto's words. Katsuki gagged and I flipped him off without tearing my eyes away from Shoto.

That's when an announcement went through the PA system. "Can Ikari Maindo and Shoto Todoroki please come to the principals office?" The cafeteria went silent and everyone turned to us.

"Woo! My favorite power soulmates are getting in trouble together." Leave it to Mina to speak up in the silence of a couple hundred people. She makes a mini heart with her index and thumb fingers making me shoot a glare at her.

Sighing as I stand, I look to my best friend, "Kats, save my cake." I shoot the soulmates a 'do not eat it look' as I get out of my chair. "And I'm in trouble on my first day back. Yay." My friends seem to find it oh so hilarious as Shoto and I leave the cafeteria together.

"You think it's because I took the last chocolate milk box from home?" Shoto laughed at my question as we traversed the halls together.

"No, I'm sure they just want to give us an award for being the most attractive pair of soulmates." I laughed even harder as we walked into Nezu's office.

He looked up from his desk with a smile, "Ah, you're here. Please take a seat." We took a seat next to eachother infront of his desk.

"I'll get straight to the point seeing as you have lunches to finish. Since the both of you were away, you missed out on the Provisional hero liscense exams so if you want your hero liscense, you're going to have to take it with Katsuki Bakugo who had failed."

He then turns to me, "This applies to you too, Maindo. If you want to change courses I'm going to need an answer by the end of the week." I give him a nod and we're then dismissed.

I guess I have to find out what I want in life.

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