eighty nine

222 16 31

I try to figure out how to work Instagram as I sit by my lonesome in the common room, scrunching my brows when I find out how to get into my DMs.

The couch next to me dips and I look up as Shoto pulls me into his side, deciding to snuggle into him further as I mess around with the settings on the app. "You waiting for your mom to pick you up?" Muttering into my hair, he places a chaste kiss there.

I make a sound of confusion--- not processing his words at first due to my brain falling behind a few steps. I then look up at him, "Oh, no. I told my mom I'm sleeping here tonight." I let him know and go back to my phone.

"In who's room?" His question hangs in the air for a few seconds because I'm too enthralled in my phone to answer. "Yours." When I'm met by silence in the wake of my question, I look up at him with pinched brows.

"Is that an issue?" He shakes his head almost immediately and I feel relief wash over me in waves. "Not at all but does Aizawa know?" I nod as I focus back on my phone.

The common room lights are dim as I speak, "He knows." When I'd told him before coming over here, he sat me down and had a 'talk' with me. It was the most humiliating thing I'd been put through up to date.

Not only did he talk about using protection but he also told me he'd kill Shoto if he found out we'd done it.
Shinso was walking past during the whole ordeal and started berating me too--- threatening Shoto with his father. Though, I'm sure he was jokingly fanning the flames while Aizawa was being serious.

Shoto nods just then, "This'll be our first sleepover together." I hum in response, eyes still on my phone, "We slept in the same bed during the internships and we had that one sleepover at Mina's. " I remind him.

"Yeah but we weren't," he pauses, "in love." He says and I find it cute how he says the words so softly, almost whispering them. Humming in agreement, I scroll through reels on the app.

Shoto speaks, "Izuku was talking to me earlier," He talks but I kind of tune him out because of how distracted I am by my phone. I hear him stop talking and then he shakes my shoulder.

I blink as he takes my phone out of my hands and look up at him with a pout as he pockets it. "Hey, give it back." I say half-heartedly and squeal as he picks me up and places me on his lap.

I'm facing him as I straddle his lap. "No, you're not giving me any attention." He complains causing me to shake my head with a little laugh at the way he pouts. "You're such a baby." I tease, running a hand through his dual coloured hair.

He closes his eyes as he basks in my attention making me smile. He places his hands on my thighs, his hand placement being one of the many reasons I often have butterflies.

"Do you have any clothes with you?" I shake my head at his question, deciding to braid a part of his hair. "Nope." I pop my lips on the word as I focus on the perfect braid.

He draws a circle on my thigh with his thumb and my leggings feel heavy at the touch. "You can just take some of mine." He decides. Nodding my head, I finish the braid and take the hair band he usually wears on his wrist off.

This boy wears hair bands for me.

Sometimes I wonder why he's so perfect but I try not to question it, settling on the thought of him just being amazing. "We should probably head up to my room now, it's getting late." He says as I finish the small braid.

I nod my head as I arrange his hair and then speak on a frown, "Yeah but I'm too tired to walk," a beat, "carry me?" I don't have to ask twice because he's picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder like a weigh nothing.

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