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Tomura Shigiraki's POV

The semblance of security is all a ruse.

When one feels secure it's all for nothing as at some point, that protective shell crumbles to the base of whatever foundation it's formed on.

All it takes for the protective shell to shatter is an unstable foundation or decay to set into the cracks of the armour. Every sense of security has cracks--- little openings for danger to touch the soul it's protecting.

No one's resolve is perfect, my sister's certainly isn't. Her soul revolves around one thing; the yearning of love. I've always known she was weak. When one acts tough, it's usually due to the insecurities they face.

They fear being vulnerable so they act untouchable to coat that insecurity. After all, the mind is conditioned to believe whatever you tell it.

When Ikari was put on trial, I'd hoped they'd give her the death sentence. Imagine my surprise when they let her off without so much as a slap on the wrist.

I sit in the living room of the new headquarters--- the old one was abandoned when father passed. I vowed to kill her for what she did to father and I will. As soon as I get the chance, she's as good as gone.

The league sat around the living room as I focused on the T.V, the news channel on. I'm planning my next move, unsure of what to do as of now. Dabi studies me from across the room, a crease between his brows.

The little shit has been at my neck for all of this.

My attention snaps back to the T.V when some breaking news comes on, my fist clenching as I listen. "Breaking news! Ikari Maindo has just given her first words after her infamous trial. Japan has been at her feet for the last two months, what do you think about her, Sasuke?"

I snarl as I watch the news anchors talk about her, the league quieting down to listen to her interview as they show it on T.V. I watch as she comes on the screen, her looking nervous of all the press around her.

She doesn't deal well in the spotlight.

"May I please have your attention!" She calls out and they all turn silent at her request, the camera zeroing in on her. I take note of the difference in her appearance, her short black hair having grown a little since the trail.

"This is getting out of hand. Harassing a group of teenagers—whether they be heroes in training or not—is absolutely unacceptable and also illegal." She speaks so entitled for someone so insignificant. I scoff at the mention of her training to be a hero.

Deep down, she knows she's got an evil streak. She yearns for love as any human does yet, if it came down to it, she'd kill someone in a heartbeat to save her own skin. No matter how much of a false villain she was, she still killed people.

A leopard never changes it's spots.

Someone swipes at her and she evades it, "Try to grab me again, sir, and I will sue you for every last penny you have in your bank account. I don't take well to people who can't keep their hands to themselflves." He backs up at her glower.

Toga sighs, "She is such a girl boss." I growl and shot her a glare, her shrivelling up on the other couch as she purses her lips. "She has false confidence." I mutter, my eyes focusing back on the screen.

"If I feel comfortable enough, I'll be glad to answer a few questions before we go on our way but I'd appreciate it if you could leave my friends alone, we're trying to have a nice day out and you're stressing them out."

I scoff, "Always so selfless. What a joke." The press shout some questions at her and she looks overwhelmed before deciding on the anchor to the channel I'm watching.

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