sixty four

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I decided to take a shower, my school clothes sweaty and my mind a little frazzled. Shoto said he'd wait for me so he's sitting on my bed waiting for me to finish showering.

As the water runs down my back, my mind strays to the feeling of his lips on my neck. I'd never felt that way before— so needy. He's like a drug, the best kind of drug because I trust him.

I trust him with my life and with my heart. And although he doesn't know it, he has had my heart since we were ten. Way back when I didn't know what love was— what happiness was.

But I believe I didn't kill him for I felt that pull, like our hearts were attached by a red string. He's given me hope and even though life has shot me down lately, I'm willing to push ahead for him.

I dried my hair, pulling on some pajama shorts and his t-shirt. I avoided the mirror as I walked out of the bathroom, a large smile stretching my lips.

"Your queen has returned." I teased with a cheeky smile. It fell, it fell along with my stomach. Ice coated my skin, panic sounding through my mind as I looked to my soulmate.

He sat at my desk, tears falling as he gripped my suicide letter.

Shoto Todoroki POV

I'd never felt so strongly about someone in my life. Never loved anyone like I loved her. I didn't know why saying those three words was hard for me.

Because it was true, I loved her madly. She was everything I needed, my life being dark before she came along with her dark hair and blue eyes.

Her blue eyes. Fuck, I could get lost in the ocean that they are and never come up for air. I'd be fine drowning in her eyes, her skin, her heart, her. Just her.

She drives me crazy, the way she'd just had me cursing for her touch being the proof in the pudding. I couldn't shake the feeling of her hands on my chest, her lips on my neck, her breathy moans.

She'd drove me half mad with the roll of her delicate hips, the taste of her sweet lips. When she told me she wasn't ready, I didn't feel angry nor did I feel disappointed.

I don't expect her to do anything, I'm fine with whatever she's willing to give me. I'll hold onto it like a vice and cherish every second I spend with her because I love her.

I love her so deeply it almost hurts.

As I lay on her bed, I look around her room, trying to take in every little detail and jar it in a bottle for when I think of her. I look to her desk, a picture standing out to me.

I stand, walking over to look at it. I pick  up the frame, a smile touching my lips. It's of her and I when we went ice skating all those months ago. My arm is around her neck, her head slightly on my shoulder.

A small smile graces our lips too. She's looking at the camera while I'm looking at her, my eyes half lidded. I was whipped even way back then. Hell, the second I saw her walk into class, my heart skipped a beat.

I placed the frame back down and dropped into her desk chair, leaning my head back with a contempted sigh. Lately, I was so happy. I'd wake up in the morning and think of her, my heart clenching at the thought of seeing her.

I'd thought I lost her forever during the trial, my heart being stabbed at the thought. But now it's all over, we're both happy and together. I want to ask her if I can be her official boyfriend but that will come in time.

I let my head flop to the side, something catching my eye. A crumpled piece of paper lay on the black carpet. She must have forgotten to throw it away when doing her homework last.

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