twenty one

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After we finished our food, Endeavor made us walk down the streets of North Hosu. It was getting dark but the street lights provided enough light for us.

I spotted fire in the distance and spoke, "Fire from downtown." My voice calm and strong as I spoke. Endeavor looked up at the sky and gestured for us to follow him.

Todoroki's phone went off and we paused, shooting eachother a look. It was a location drop from Midoriya and he was close by. "What are you two waiting for!?" Endeavor's voice boomed.

"We have important business to attend to." Todoroki said as he grabbed my hand and ran down the road with me. "Where are you going!?" The fire hero sounded furious but I couldn't bring myself to care.

"Send backup to section J7!" Todoroki shouted back to his father, the sound of sirens sounding from downtown. Endeavor didn't respond as he shot off towards the fire in the opposite direction.

"Why do you think he sent his location?" I asked the half and half as we ran down the road, his hand in mine. He furrowed his brows in deep thought, "He's in trouble."

And he was right. As soon as we reached the alley in question, Todoroki shot his fire out in a big blast.

The fire cleared and the sight I was met with froze me in place. The hero killer: Stain, stared at us with distain until his eyes met mine.

I felt my blood thin at the sight of him. His crystal red eyes shone in the darkness of the alley, knives in his hands. I knew stain, he was a close friend of my father's.

He'd often train me when I was younger, granted his methods were more humane than my brother's but he trained me all the wise.

His smirk grew at the sight of me, "Well, well, well," his voice as hoarse as ever. "Finish that sentence and my father will kill you himself." I spoke telepathically making his smirk dissipate.

He didn't doubt that he would either. Chizome knew my father and his ways. "Todoroki! Maindo!" Midoriya's voice sounded from where he was paralyzed on the floor, a pro and Iida nearby met by the same fate.

Todoroki spoke with a frown, "It took us a while to figure out what your location drop meant. Next time you should be more specific." I would agree with him if it weren't for the stare down conspiring between Stain and I.

"Don't let him cut you!" His warning fell on already aware ears. Iida lay on the floor next to him, my eyes zeroing in on Stain. "If it isn't Shoto Todoroki." The edge to his voice was prominent.

His red eyes then fell on me, "And a girl. I don't kill girls, it's unethical." The smirk in his voice was strong against the concrete walls. "Too bad. I kill assholes, even if it isn't ethical." I shot back with a frown.

His eye glinted in the alley and he sprung towards us, knives ablaze. Todoroki shot fire again, it not so much as fazing me as I stood infront of him. The hero killer keeled back at the move.

"Todoroki! You're going to burn Maindo!" Midoriya's worries fell on deaf ears as we fought Stain. Stain threw a knife high into the air, distracting me for half a second before he ran past me and towards Todoroki.

He slashed Todoroki's cheek, twisting his arm in the process while licking the blood off his knife.

My eyes widened and I slammed my leg into stains face, knocking him backward. Todoroki fell to the floor, paralyzed by the bastard hero killer.

"Todo!" My shout was met by a grimacing Todoroki as he tried to move but couldn't. Stain gave me a devilish smirk, "It's you against me, girl." I scowled at him in response.

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