twenty six

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The final bell rang signifying the end of the tiresome school day. I packed my books away and zipped my bag up, readying myself to leave when a figure stood in my way.

I looked up as I stood to be met with Todoroki. I blinked a few times and gave him a small smile, "Hi Todo, how are you?" He gave me a small smile of his own in return.

I hadn't noticed my nickname for him until now but I guess it's fine since he's my friend. He doesn't seem to mind it. "I'm fine. I was wondering..." He trailed off.

I awaited his words for a second and when they came, I was shocked. "Would you like to hang out with me?" The question caught me off guard and I blinked in shock for a few seconds.

I wanted to accept, I really did but I couldn't.

"I really want to say yes but I'm actually going to a sleepover right now." His eyes widened for a second defore he turned to confusion.

"What's that?" His question made me smile a little. We were similar in many ways. A voice spoke up shocking me,"It's something you'll be doing with us!" Mina beamed as she walked up to us.

Behind her stood Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari watching us. She then spoke, "You should join us!" She beamed at him and he raised a brow, "I'm sorry but I'm still lost."

"It's when you sleep at a friend's house." I informed him as Mina stood next to me. "Like the internship?" I tilted my head an inch, "We stayed at the agency so I don't think that counts." It definitely doesn't.

"But we slept in the same room and bed." That's when Mina let out a high pitch squeal, her eyes glinting with mischief. "You didn't tell me about this, babes." She smirked and I mentally told her to fuck off as she taunted me.

Mina turned to Todoroki and smiled at him, "You should totally come!" He looked like he was thinking it over for a second, "Sure." She beamed, "Awesome! Let's go, shall we?" She then bounced over to the other boys.

We all walked out of the school and down the road. The afternoon was nice in the summer. It was slightly breezy and the shadows cast by the setting sun were nice too.

"I'm telling you dude. Almond milk is superior." Kaminari was arguing with Kirishima as I walked beside Todoroki and Mina. Todoroki scrunched his nose up at Kaminari's omission making me chuckle a bit.

"Chocolate milk is where it's at." I shrugged earning a nod from Mina. "I agree," she then turned to me and hooked her arm over my shoulder, "this is why we're besties." I rolled my eyes with a small smirk.

"Nah it's strawberry milk." Kirishima argued making Kaminari groan and argue more. "It's oat milk." Bakugo said making us all stare at him in disgust.

"Now that's a crime." I muttered making him curse me out. "It's banana milk." Todoroki piped up making me scrunch my nose up at him. "I expected better, Todo." His lip twitched in response.

After many arguments and Kaminari's near death experience after insulting Bakugo, we arrived at Mina's house. Her house was nice and spacious as she showed us around.

"And this is my room!" She opened the door and we walked in. It was fairly big considering she didn't have to share it with her older brother. It was pink with accents of black.

"It's so girly." Bakugo rolled his eyes as he leaned against the wall by the door. She gave him a deadpan look, "Why you bully me?" Kaminari continued the meme with her and I chuckled as I sat on her bed.

Todoroki stood in the middle of the room looking lost so I gestured for him to sit next to me on her bed. "Shut up! Both of you!" Bakugo shouted at the two as Todoroki and I observed them.

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