forty four

492 19 9

Shoto Todoroki POV

~Ten hours prior~

Arriving at the hospital, I met Kirishima at the door and he leveled me with a sympathetic look. "Hey, man." He greeted and I gave him a small nod, my mind filled with Ikari.

We walked through the hospital, not a word being passed between us. We walked past a room where we saw AllMight and another man standing, talking to Yaoyorozu.

She had placed a tracker on a Nomu during the camp incident. Kirishima gave me a look and we waited for AllMight and the man to walk out before we walked in.

"Todoroki!" She beamed and I gave her a neutral look. "Is there any chance you can give us a copy of that tracker?"


There was an issue. The tracker and the location drop Ikari gave me were completely different.

"We have a tracker that Yaoyorozu gave us. It leads to Bakugo and Maindo." Kirishima confessed as we all stood in Midoriya's hospital room.

Midoriya's eyes widened and Kirishima continued, "We have a chance of saving them!" He sounded hopeful and Midoriya looked at me, I'm assuming to gage my reaction.

"This is irresponsible! We should leave it to the heroes!" Iida urged but it fell on deaf ears as Kirishima spoke up again, disregarding him.

"I couldn't save them. I wasn't even there for my closest friend, damnit! But now we have a chance to make it right." Kirishima gritted out in an upset tone.

"Todoroki, C'mon man! You have to agree with me! She's your soulmate!" The red haired boy shouted at me and I regarded him for a second before speaking.

"I'm not coming with you." I said in a neutral tone making Iida sigh in relief and making Midoriya, Kirishima and Ashido look thoroughly shocked.

I continued, "I'm not coming with you because Ikari gave me a location drop and it's in a totally different place to the tracker." The class looked shocked.

"She gave you a location drop!?" Ashido screamed in slight shock. I began explaining our matching necklaces and they looked even more baffled.

Kirishima ran a hand over his face and Iida spoke, urging me to rethink my choices. "It's against the law! You could all go to jail!" He protested, bubbles of anger fissling inside me.

"Then I guess I'm a fucking criminal because there is absolutely nothing you can say to stop me saving her!" I let my anger pop and tear from my lips.

He looked agitated and his frustration grew as Kirishima spoke, "Alright, I'll go to the location from the tracker and you can go to the location drop site." He told me making me nod.

Midoriya spoke up, "I'll join you, Kirishima. I couldn't save Kachan and he was right there," he looked down at his broken arms. "I'd do anything to get him back."

Deep down, I feel Midoriya loves Bakugo but their past complicates things. They definitely have chemistry, they just seem to hold back due to their grudge.

"I think Iida is right, if we go against the law, we could complicate things." Uraraka urged Midoriya but he wouldn't listen, denying her claims.

We decide to save them tonight.


It's dark out as I stand behind the heroes, AllMight leading the rescue team here. He breaks down the wall to the building and I hear voices, namely Bakugo's.

The voices continue and I hear Bakugo scream, "Let her go!" I immediately know he's talking about my soulmate. I try to push past the heroes but they hold me back.

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