eighty eight

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"It's Nozomi Aka; Ikari Maindo." I think I drop my milk carton but I can't tell from the buzzing sensation that takes over my ears like a pneumatic drill.

From my haze, I see Aizawa shoot up, my legs being flung off his lap like an elastic band. "What!?" He shrieks at the same time as me and I feel my blood pressure trip up an upcline.

"How the fuck is that even possible!?" Shinso's shout follows after ours, my heart rate still accelerating. I find myself reaching for my phone, the T.V talking about me in the background as everyone in the room speaks over eachother.

My phone goes off with far too many notifications and all the noise overstimulates me to the point of anger. "Please just shut up!" I scream into the living room, my mom turning off the T.V as she realizes what's happening.

"It's okay, hun. This is a good thing, we're so proud of you." She says kneeling down infront of me as I sit on the couch. I blink back the tears in my eyes because they must have made a mistake.

I decide they meant someone else or that this is a nightmare. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. I scrunch and un-scrunch my hands, my mother taking them in hers as Aizawa sits down next to me, rubbing my back.

I feel stupid for the silent tears that rush down my face, any young hero would be over the moon for something like this but I just simply don't deserve it. I have no idea how I was nominated for top five but I slowly feel the fear sink in through my pores.

I watch as Shinso picks Eri up, the poor girl terrified for me but as her big brother, he takes her upstairs so she doesn't have to witness my breakdown.

"I'm scared, this isn't right and I shouldn't be-" My mom silences my hiccup as she wipes my tears away with her warm hands, a smile on her face.

"Hey," she says softly, "it's okay." I watch her try to calm me down, Aizawa silent by my side, a firm hand on my shoulder. "You deserve this, you've saved so many people recently."

She caresses my cheeks like she does my hands, "Do you know how many lives you've saved?" Her voice is like a caress but my broken one sounds out, "Not as many as I've taken."

She frowns and shakes her head, "Then this is your chance to do just that, save as many as you've taken and then some." Her hands wrap around my body and she hugs me with so much care it almost hurts.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispers in my ear, Aizawa adding his own words too. "So am I, kid. You're gonna do amazing things for this country." And as he joins our hug, a spark of hope lights itself beneath my skin.

I later walk up and into my room, needing space from my mom, Aizawa, Tsukauchi and Endeavor; the two had come over after our little discussion to discuss what all this means.

My phone pings with another notification and I decide on finally seeing what's keeping it buzzing.

Class of Choas😌✌


Iida has been changed to Sonic Bitch by Bakugo.

Ashido has been changed to Pink Bitch by Bakugo.

Sonic Bitch
These names are utterly inappropriate!

shut the fuck up sonic

Bakugo has been changed to Angry Bitch by Pink Bitch.

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