eighty three

273 13 18

When I wake up, the first thing I process is how parched I am. My mouth feels like the devils ass crack and I don't like it. I open my eyes and squint at the light.

"Oh my god," Someone wraps me in a careful hug and I almost cry when I realize it's Shoto, his cold hand grabbing my face as he let's go of the hug. Tears line his eyes as he stares into mine, forehead resting on mine.

He kisses my lips and I weakly kiss back. He pulls back and then speaks, "I thought I lost you." I attempt a chuckle but can't bring myself to speak, my throat too dry to do so.

Noticing, he grabs a cup of water and helps me drink it. Not even a second passes before the nurses rush in and after thirty minutes of them checking me up, they leave. I'm left in silence, Shoto gone out to get me some food.

Memories of my fight with Hawks flash through my mind and hot betrayal brands my heart. He'd sold me out or was that the plan all along? Of course it was, Tomura said it himself.

I lean back and feel a tear streak my cheek as the betrayal starts to sink in. Yet again, my heart gets me in trouble. It leads me to trust and leads me to my death bed.

Father was right, I am weak.

The door creaks open and I look up, Aizawa walking in. My heart feels so happy that he's here. He gives me a sad smile and I look down at my hands, eyes void of any emotion.

I hear his footsteps approach my bed and he then sits next to it in a chair. "How are you feeling?" I shrug as I play with my hospital sheets, my hair falling infront of my face.

Tucking it behind my ear, I speak, "As good as someone who died thrice can feel." This makes him nod and were left in silence for a long while, my thoughts all over the place.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I scoff, shaking my head. "The signs were all there, I was just too fucking blind." I fist my blanket, forcing any tears threatening to fall to remain inside my teardudcts.

"What actually happened? The last three days have all been a bunch of speculation of what went down." What happened was I was stupid enough to believe a pro hero wouldn't hurt me.

I turn to him, "Hawks turned on me when we got inside the warehouse. He tried stabbing me with a quirk nullifier and then Tomura appeared and it all made sense."

I make a fist, "I was looking at Tomura's words all wrong. When he said, 'No one is safe where he's involved', he meant no one is to trust, not that he'd come after my loved ones."

"I walked right into his trap. I trusted Hawks and that's all it took for them to corner me. It was the plan all along to get my quirk." I bang my fist on my bed when I realize how stupid I was.

"So Hawks betrayed your trust and tried to kill you with Tomura Shigiraki?" I nod my head and the door opens again, Shoto walking in with take-out making me smile.

He places a chaste kiss on my forehead as he helps me lay it out on the extendable tray. I thank him and split my chopsticks; not having eaten a morsel in three days.

"Ikari, you know I believe you fully," I dont like where Aizawa is going, "but do you have any proof for the public? A scandal like this will need cold hard proof for it to take a legitimate stand against the public."

I scowl at the take-out box, Shoto voicing his very angry thoughts, "What do you mean proof!? The proof is in the six inch stab wound in her abdomen, you can't be serious!"

I place my hand on Shoto's shoulder and he stops shouting at Aizawa who's only trying to do his job. I grab my necklace and then reach behind my neck, Shoto stopping me once he realizes what I'm doing.

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