seventy six

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I'm gasping for air in a fetal position as I hear my bones crack in more than one place. No matter how hard I try, the assault on my body doesn't cease. I push myself to fight back but my body refuses to move.

I'm stuck staring at his reflection in the pool of my own blood below me. His eyes are angry, in a way they always have been but they feel more piercing now. More brutal.

I heave as he touches my skin, an evil glint in his eyes. "Stop." I cry but he doesn't acknowledge my pleas. Infact, it only pushes him to harm me further. He grabs at my face as he forces me to look at him.

"You should know by now not to trust anyone." And that's when I wake up.

I'm fighting for air as I sit in my bed, the pitch black room only adding to my panic attack. I force my lungs to take in a breath of the air I so desperately need but even as I do so, my throat burns at the action.

It feels as though a big lump constantly hinders my breathing. I cry into my hands, tallying my nightmare up to an overreaction. I need to get a grip on reality and move past my issues.

If not for myself then for everyone else.


I'm sitting in the common room with my friends as we play Uno. Denki thows his hand down onto the coffee table with a cry as I place a continuous amount of plus fours down, winning the game.

"Cheater!" He accuses causing me to roll my eyes at him, I'd warned him of my skills but he refused to listen yet again. "Denki, you always say that." Mina laughed at him as she picked up the cards.

He flipped her off and the elevator dinged open as he did so, signaling the arrival of the person I'd been waiting for. Shoto walks over to the couch area with a small smile, my face brightening up in his presence.

"Sorry for the delay, Midoriya needed some advice." I waved him off as I got up and grabbed my purse, stepping towards him. "It's no problem, beating Denki at Uno for the millionth time makes my day."

"Fuck you, Ikari!" He bellowed from the kitchen making me laugh. Shoto smiled down at me, "Ready for our date, beautiful?" My face hurt from how big I smiled in response.

Shoto had asked me out on a proper date the other night and I immediately accepted. We may not be officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet, but going on a date as soulmates is the first step to becoming as so.

I'm slowly starting feel comfortable with the idea of him asking me to be his girlfriend. My heart has slowly opened up to the fact that I can be loved and I sure as hell love him. Maybe soon, we'll be official.

After I gave Mina a parting goodbye, we left the dormitories and walked down the road. His hand fit comfortably in mine and the warmth of it made me feel light and fuzzy. I always felt like that with him.

"So are you going to tell me what we're doing?" I asked making him shake his head with a smile. I frowned in response, disappointed by his secrecy, "C'mon, please!" I begged.

He side eyed me, a permanent smile still etched into his perfect face. "Y'know love, for someone so tough, you're incredibly clingy." I pouted in response, my cheeks warming at the nickname.

The way he said love made me light headed, a feeling I could get used to in this connotation. "And this is why I hate you." I let go of his hand as we waited for the train.

He raised a brow at my words as I crossed my arms with a scowl. Gripping my waist, he stood behind me, his chin resting on my shoulder. Warm breath fanned my neck and I froze at the feeling.

He put his lips under my ear as he spoke, "You and I both know the way I make you feel is proof of that lie." The way his voice vibrated across my skin sent a zing down my spin.

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