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The day of the USJ attack was a small spoon feeding of what true terror felt like for Class 1-A. Unfortunately for me, I had to go home to that same terror.

My brother tried to kill me when I got home that night. As I patched myself up the next morning, I gazed in the mirror at my very much bruised face.

My body was littered with more stab wounds as I grazed my hand over a white medical patch I had secured to an open wound. I should go to recovery girl and ask her to heal me. I sighed to myself, putting the gauze away.

If she asks what happened I'll just tell her I got jumped by a gang on the way home. When I got to school that morning, I had many a stare. I frowned at the closed sign on the resident nurse's office.

I'll have to put up with it until lunch time. I thought as I made my way to class. I walked into the class and everyone stopped to stare at me. I felt the fear– infact I could almost smell it radiating off them.

I walked to my usual seat at the back and the class continued their gossip. I felt a pair of eyes on me but I payed no mind to it as I had little to no energy. Aizawa walked into class looking like a mummy and I almost shot out of my chair.

"Mr. Aizawa!?" Kaminari shouted. "Why are you here!?" Midoriya added to the blonde's words, shocked to the core. The Raven haired man sighed, "Recovery Girl went a bit overboard, I'm fine now." His explanation didn't really subdue the class' worries.

"You need to rest." I spoke up, the class falling silent as they turned to me in shock. I payed no mind to them as Aizawa's eyes trained to where I sat.

He physically recoiled and I then realized I must look like hell too. "I could say the same for you." He regarded me but didn't question me which I was greatful for.

He then explained that the school was upping their security and there was to be a sports festival in two weeks.

When lunch time rolled around, I made a move to get up so I could find recovery girl when a few of my classmates stopped me.

"Is it true?" Hanta Sero asked in suspense as he stood next to Asui. I gave up on fiddling with my disobliging zipper and looked up at them.

Everyone had fled the class save for them. "What?" My voice was neutral. I pursed my lips as Asui spoke, "Did you kill fifteen men in the USJ yesterday?" She interpreted in a blunt tone.

My zip refused to move on my bag but I spoke all the wise, "I did." I confirmed as I busied myself with my books. I didn't have time for their prying questions.

"Why would you do that?" Sero asked in an inquisitive manner. I regarded him for a moment before speaking, "They got in my way and they were there to kill us."

They gave me a look and Asui spoke, "Heroes don't kill." She muttered, eyes full of sympathy as she searched my face. I didn't want her sympathy—I didn't need it. I'd rather be judged than be sympathized with.

"It's an eat or be eaten world, Asui," I eyed her in a neutral manner, "I dont have time for pleasantries with people who intend on ending my life." I stated as I remained sat in my chair.

Asui frowned, "You sound like a villain." She stated as she rolled her eyes. If only you knew.

"Heroes save lives, not take them." Sero said softly as he spoke to me nicely. That's not factual.

"You'll end up working for that hand psychopath if you're not careful." He added as he looked down at me. A shiver rolled down my spine and goosebumps painted my arms.

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