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After our dance, we excused ourselves from the ball and went back to the agency. I flopped onto our bed, heaving out a sigh. It was fun in a way. Eating, talking and dancing with Todoroki felt amazing.

Todoroki went into the bathroom to change into some bed clothes while I waited for him to come out so I could too. After he walked out, I went to the closet to grab some clothes.

I furrowed my brows a little as I looked through my clothes. I called out over my shoulder, "Do you have my bed clothes, Todoroki?" I couldn't find them and I swear I had brought two sets with me.

"No. Didn't you leave them on the shelf?" His voice came from the bed behind me as I searched. "They're gone. I'm pretty certain I brought two pairs too." I had brought two pairs, I knew I did.

I grumbled under my breath as I searched endlessly. I came to null and void in my rummage. "You can take some of my clothes if you like." I blushed at the thought but didn't decline his offer.

He walked up next to me and took some clothes out of the closet, "Here. I don't know if they'll fit, but it's worth a try." He handed me a t-shirt and some sweatpants. I gave him a head nod, my cheeks still pink, "Thank you."

I put on the t-shirt and attempted to put the sweatpants on in our bathroom but it didn't work. The t-shirt was rather large but it was manageable. The sweatpants on the other hand wouldn't stay up no matter what I tried.

I took my makeup off and washed my face. Opening the bathroom door, I then walked out while holding the sweatpants up. "Erm. They won't fit." I tried to make them stay up but the fell to the floor in a heap.

The t-shirt covered me and kept me decent as it reached my mid thigh but I crossed my legs in insecurity of my scars. He had seen them, yes, but I still felt insecure.

I grabbed the sweatpants and then looked at him. He was blushing a bright red and in turn, I blushed crimson. I glued the sweatpants to the front of my body, insecurity consuming me.

He frowned and I bit the inside of my lip. "If I'm making you uncomfortable I can just-" He cut off my words. "What did I tell you earlier?" His voice was strong against the thick atmosphere.

I licked my dry lips and didn't respond. "You really don't know, do you?" His voice came out in a small chuckle, the sound like music to my ears. "You don't realize what you do to people." I do realize but not in the way he thinks.

I scare people, they fear me and they should but I don't think that's what he meant. "I don't know what you mean." I neatly folded the sweatpants and put them in the wardrobe.

He gave me incredulous look as I climbed into bed next to him. I covered my legs with the blanket, not feeling confident enough to have them bare.

"You're beautiful. Every supposed 'flaw' included. There is always a story to someone, Maindo. No one is born with scars, they're gathered over pain and sometimes Cruelty."

He was right, they were gathered over Cruelty. Cruelty that I deserve whether I like it or not. I stared at my hands and Todoroki then spoke again after some silence, "I dont know your story, nor do I wish to pry if you're not ready to tell me." He paused.

"But I'm here for you." The words struck me deep deep down in the place where my heart should be. He then turned to me and spoke, "My father-" I cut him off, "I know." His brows furrowed as he observed me.

"I heard you tell Midoriya the day of the sports festival." I explained, ready for him to get cross but to my surprise, he didn't.

He seemed almost relieved. "I'm glad. Explaining it again would be a pain." This made my lip quirk up a bit, his sense of humor was nice.

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