sixty eight

310 14 16

It's a Sunday morning and the sun flutters through my window, lighting my black carpet in a grey hue. I walk around the house and take note of the absence of my mother making me wonder if she ever came back home last night.

She went out with her friends, Aka; my teachers. I'd asked her when she'd be back and she told me it would probably be past midnight and to head off to bed. I didn't counter her as I had felt tired from my therapy and villain reform classes.

Walking into her room, I take note that her bed hasn't been touched, it looking the same as last night. While making breakfast, I text her a 'where are you?' message.

I sit on the couch and eat my cereal, my mind running a mile a minute. My gut tells me something is a miss. She always answers my texts, rain or shine. My stomach drops when a thought of her being kidnapped hits me.

Tomura is still out there. I know without a shadow of doubt that he wants revenge. Would he go as far as to kidnap my mother? My blood runs cold at the thought, indignation biting at me. My worry is cut off by the front door opening and her walking in.

I spring up, "Where were you?" My worry is evident by the crease between my brows as I strut over to her. She slips her heels off and shakes her head with a chuckle.

"I stayed over at a friend's house." Furrowing my brows, I watch as she slips her bra out of her dress and flings it with her purse on the table by our door. "There aren't any female teachers at U.A besides you." She guzzles down a bottle of water and shrugs.

I gasp and she chuckles at my face of shock. Had she slept with one of the teachers? I shoot a flurry of questions at her but she doesn't answer any of them, only telling me she was tired and she was going to bed.

I stood in the kitchen, her footsteps fading and my shock permanently etched onto my face.

I dial Katsuki's number almost immediately.


"Kaminari, get off the table." The blonde looked up and caught the eye of Iida before scrambling off the coffee table. He tried to make a inspirational speech about 'being as good as him at monopoly'.

The fucker cheated many a time during our game. "You're such a fucking cheat!" Katsuki screamed making Iida sigh in resignation, walking into the kitchen to probably get a cup of tea.

I covered Eri's ears as shouted at Kaminari for being a cheater. After I was done I flipped him off as I took my hands of the small girl's ears. Shoto chuckled as he packed the board away.

"I didn't cheat, you're all just bad." Mina scoffed at the blonde's audacity, a frown etched onto her face as she threw the boat piece at him. He ducked and it squared Katsuki in the face.

"And that's our cue to leave." Shoto picked Eri up with one arm and grabbed my hand with the other. We walked out of the fight ring of a common room and into the dark night.

"Where's my mom? She should be here by now." I checked the time on my phone to see it was way past the time she usually picked me up. "The bigger question is, where's Aizawa?" My soulmate muttered as he dusted some crumbs off Eri's cheek.

"Dadda is never at home, I hang out with Hito." She beamed making me furrow my brows. Who the fuck is Hito? I'm guessing Shoto is thinking the same thing by the look on his face.

"Why don't we take you home?" I smiled at Eri and she gave a nod as she clung to Shoto's turtle neck. We walked down the road, the crisp wind fluttering around my hair. My hair had grew significantly since I cut it.

It's now about mid length and I liked it far better. Eri told us about her day as we walked down the road towards her home and besides from our voices and our footsteps, the night was quiet.

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