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We arrived at the ball later than anticipated but we weren't too late, rather fashionably late. We walked through the crowd of guests and some stopped and stared at us.

Some in awe, others in shock. I busied myself with not falling in my heels as I gripped onto Todoroki's arm. I knew how to walk in heels except when I was nervous. We walked over to Endeavor to notify him of our presence.

He spoke to the ambassador of China, where they stood by the stage. I killed his predecessor so I know who he is.

We stood infront of him and the two men flickered their gaze toward us. One in delight and the other in shock.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Todoroki, I've heard much about you." The ambassador smiled a cool smile, his hand shaking Todoroki's one.

"Likewise, Mr. Shan." His voice was monotone as he stared at the man stoically.

The ambassador's gazed flicked over to me, "And who might this stunning young lady be." His tone was kind but I didn't miss how his gaze flicked over my arms, curious of my scars.

I gave a small nod of respect, "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Shan. I'm Ikari Maindo." His smile was warm as he shook my hand. He then excused himself and set off to talk to another world leader.

Endeavor shot us a glare when we were left alone, "You're late." His tone dripped in impatience.

"We had some urgent business to attend to." Todoroki threw Endeavor's previous excuse back in the heroes face. So he does use that excuse often.

Endeavor scowled and then he slowly smirked, "I see. Very well then, atleast you're here." I met his eyes, read his mind and glared at him in half anger half disgust. "I can read your mind, asshole." I spoke telepathically.

He gave a satisfactory smirk and then walked away. "Asshole." My voice dripped with venom as I cursed him for the blush he left me with.

Todoroki's mouth quirked up a little at my insult before he spoke, "Would you like to eat something?" I agreed and we headed to the buffet.

I tugged on Todoroki's suit sleeve, "Todoroki, look! They have a chocolate fountain." I'm sure my eyes sparkled as I gazed at the delectable heaven.

I dragged him to the fountain and rocked back and forth on my heels as I grabbed a strawberry and dipped it in chocolate.

I ate it, letting out a satisfactory moan. It was so good, the chocolate melted on my tongue. Todoroki's lip quirked up a bit before he dipped a strawberry in the fountain, his other hand caressing my cheek making my stomach flip at the contact.

I blushed when he went to feed me but opened up my mouth anyway. I hummed a happy sound as I chewed the strawberry and we then moved onto the other delicacies.

I grabbed a chocolate cake and a few sugar cookies while Todoroki grabbed a cold soba bowl. We sat at one of the many fancy tables and enjoyed our food, watching as a few guests danced.

After we had finished our food, Endeavor called us over. He was talking to the No. 1 Hero in America and standing next to her was what looked like her daughter.

The daughter had pale skin and icy blue hair, the kind of blue that was so subtle, it emanated elegance. Her eyes were a pretty light blue and her body was absolutely stunning.

I paled at the sight of her. "Ah, Shoto. I'd like you to meet Amelia, the No. 1 in America." Endeavor introduced Todoroki and the No. 1 and they exchanged niceties.

Amelie then spoke, "This is my daughter, Stella." Her daughter gave Todoroki a beautiful smile and shook his hand. Her whole being was the definition of beautiful.

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