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Standing infront of the U.A building was no easy feat. This place was reeking with heroes—an inevitable demise for a villain such as myself.

I steeled my mind and walked through the courtyard, towards the towering building.

If my father wanted me to do this mission, you can bet your ass I will. If I complete this mission with flying colors, maybe he'll make me his right hand man. The thought alone almost made me crack a smile.

The school was bustling with students as it was the coveted entrance exam day. I could hear giggles and greetings in the form of the unbidden 'bro hug' boys like to do nowadays.

It made me sick.

I kept my usual neutral expression on my face as I made my way into the building. The halls were busy with students, teachers and examinees making a frown crease my lips.

I managed to locate the written exam room and the exam went by faster than I'd initially expected. You'd think U.A would make harder tests considering the amount of mindless idiots walking around nowadays.

Then again, growing up I read every book I could get my hands on. I may be a villain but knowledge is still power no matter what side of the battle field you stand on.

The next obstacle was one I was apprehensive about. The U.A practical exams were said to be hard by all but the school faculty themselves. The ministry of education needs an overdue upgrade in their system.

I've looked up everything there is to know about U.A and normally, it's a purely physical test leaving the mentally quirked children in the dust.

If you ask me, it's unjust on many levels but then again, so is the whole 'hero society'. I sat down in the auditorium where the exam rules were to be given.

A blonde man stood on the stage and tried to get the examinees attention, "If you're ready for the practical exam, lemme hear ya say yeah!" He said in an impossibly loud voice.

I scowled at his volume and the auditorium was pitch quiet. He moved on from the awkward silence and began explaining the rules. It sounded easy enough, kill robot=gain points.

Saving people also gave points but I sure as hell wasn't about to do that.

"Saving weak people only makes our society weaker. It's every man for himself in the real world." My brother's words flashed through my mind.

A boy with glasses shot up out of his seat and spoke, "There is obviously a mistake in the rules!" He boomed.

I narrowed my eyes at the pan flip in my hands and he continued, "You said there are four kinds of robots but you only mentioned three! U.A is supposed to be the most prestigious hero school in Japan, this is unacceptable!" He said in an assertive tone, using chopping motions with his hands.

I smiled internally at the statement. U.A claims to be the best yet, all they seem to do is produce a bunch of glorified villains. Give a man a cape and he's a hero, give one to a 'villain' and he's trying to suffocate you with it.

The glassed boy turned towards a boy in the stadium, "And you! Stop mumbling, it's utterly undecent!" He berated narrowing his eyes onto a greenette.

The green haired boy apologized and sank into his seat in embarrassment. Pathetic. I rolled my eyes at his show of weakness.

The presenter—who I had now learned was named Present Mic—explained the last robot was a zero pointer.

It was there to get in our way and it would give us no points if we took it down. With that, we were to get ready for the exam. Thirty minutes later, I stretched infront of gate C as I got ready for the gates to open to the mock city.

I cracked my knuckles and brushed my thumb over the tattoo on the inside of my wrist. Everyone had one but the sentence varied for everyone. It was indignantly stupid and I hated it.

Soulmates as a whole were the dumbest thing in the world. Who the fuck would want to spend their life with someone dragging them down? I sure as hell didn't.

Mine was the dumbest line ever too. Who the hell says, 'You're not a villain.' As the first thing you say to someone? Especially when the person in question is a villain.

If I ever do meet my soulmate, I'll kill him. I don't need any distractions.

When the shrill sound of the electronic bell rang through the surrounding area, I ran through the gates with the rest of the examinees. I took my own path down a few side streets and I was met with a 3 pointer.

It barreled towards me, it's clunky body making a thuding on the pavement. I retracted my knife from my pocket and tossed it at it, my knife pummeling the robot through it's body and killing it.

I repeated this same move a dozen times and by the time I had killed about 20, I was tired. I drew fast paced breaths out of my mouth as I leaned my hands on my knees.

I decided it should be enough points to get me through and right when I was about to walk towards the exit, a tall building started falling over as the ginormous zero pointer arose from it.

Debris started falling and three students started screaming as they froze in fear.

My body moved before I could think.

I scooped the three kids up and pushed them out of the way before the large wall fell on them.

The concrete shattered on the ground, dust accumulating in the air. I wheezed as the wind got knocked out of my lungs when I landed on my stomach.

My stomach, the only weak point on my whole body.

The students looked to be in shock before they thanked me and ran off. I sat on the floor trying not to hurl as I clutched my stomach. It was immaculate how the pain hadn't knocked me out yet.

I heard a cry for help and before I knew it, a loud boom sounded in the air and the greenette from earlier started falling to the ground from where he had punched the zero pointer.

He was saved by the brunette that he was trying to save but his limbs were mangled as he lay on the dusty floor. His quirk is rather peculiar if it breaks his bones like that. I pushed myself to my feet and then the shock of what I had done started to seep in.

My mouth dried as I stared down at the floor, aghast. The air thickened and even though the test had finished, I stood rooted in place. My stomach churned and I felt like being sick again.

I had just saved someone's life.

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