eighty one

207 20 13

Shoto Todoroki POV

The skyline looks magnificent as I sit atop a building with my father and the two other boys I take the work-study with. Endeavor critiques our day, me tuning out his useless chatter.

The sun has long set and the night is young as stars twinkle above us. A cold breeze brushes past me and I bristle at the feather like caress.

I miss my girl.

I saw her this morning but due to a clash in schedules, I haven't spoken to her since. I frown a little as I look down at the busy traffic of Tokyo. Being apart from her soils my day.

"What's got you looking all gloomy?" I hear Izuku ask from next to me, him taking a seat to my left while Bakugo takes the other side. I shrug as I analyze the traffic pattern.

"I just miss her." Bakugo makes a gagging noise in response and I roll my eyes at his stupid antics. Endeavor stands behind us because I can still feel the heat of his fire.

"Have you ever thought you may be a little addicted to her." My father huffs making me scowl at the cityscape.

Of course I have, what kind of question is that?

"She's my favorite addiction." My father scoffs in tandem with Bakugo but my best friend just awes in response. "That's sweet, Shoto. You must really love her." I smile a little in light of his question.

Of course I do, what kind of statement is that? A true one.

"Shut the fuck up, Deku. Don't encourage him." Bakugo berates causing Izuku to hit back with a bright smile, his eyes twinkling. "I think it's amazing he's found the love of his life." They begin a one sided argument.

My phone dings and I pause my brooding to check what notification I got. Is it the period tracker I have for Ikari? I think she's due soon but I can't be sure.

Izuku and Bakugo's back and forth fading to the background, I open my phone to check what it is. My heart drops as I stare at the message on my phone.

It's a location drop from Ikari.

She's in the middle of ass crack nowhere on the outskirts of Tokyo. We still have our necklaces wired to eachothers phones. After what happened with Kamino Ward, we thought it necessary to keep them and upgrade them a bit.

I feel my heartbeat quicken significantly, my ears ringing at the thought of her being in danger. I shoot into action, standing from my spot on the side of the tall building.

"What the fuck is wrong with you now?" Bakugo hisses when I take a few steps back from the edge, Endeavor to my left. My heartbeat is erratic, a pit forming in my stomach as I clutch my phone like it's a lifeline.

"Ikari's in danger."

"She's what!?" Bakugo shoots up too, a panicked look on his face. Izuku gets up too and looks worried as I speak, "She sent me her location and she's in the middle of nowhere."

My father asks leading questions before he takes off the building, the three of us right behind him. "She's supposed to be with Hawks!" Bakugo shouts over the wind as we glide through the air with our respective quirks.

"They're probably compromised!" Getting to her is going to be the issue, us having to cross the large city of Tokyo. I can only hope she'll hold her own until we reach her.

I sure hope Hawks can protect her.

Ikari Maindo POV

I've dodged so many attacks that at this point, I'm becoming sloppy and slow. I need to escape and quick because Hawks has hit me a few times already, Eri's quirk coming in handy to counter my injuries.

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