eighty four

230 17 13

It's a school day and instead of being in class, I'm in Tokyo. Why? Because the hero commission asked for my presence while I was in the middle of solving a math equation.

And when the commission calls, you answer.

I left class in a hurry, Ectoplasm granting my dismissal as soon as I explained the situation. When I arrive, I learn Endeavor demanded I be there, him wanting my involvement in anything concerning the league.

The commission meeting lasts for what feels like days and by the time it's over, the sun has long set and the murky skies offer an ominous backdrop to the night life of Tokyo.

Endeavor and I stand outside the commission building, his driver waiting for him to approach the vehicle.

"That was a good meeting, I've learned a lot. I'm also extremely greatful for being involved." Endeavor waves me off as he checks his phone for a split second, his brows creasing before he focuses back on me.

"You're an interesting individual, Maindo. Even if you weren't my son's soulmate, I can guarantee you would have piqued my interest from day one."

"At first, I'd thought your history of being involved with the league would be your downfall but the more I assessed it, the more I realized it was your strength."

"You know the ins and outs of a villains thought process, you can predict their next move from experience. Also, not only can you read minds but you now have this entirely new quirk you adapted after All for One's death. You have a bright future in the hero world."

"And for that reason, I'd like to partner with you in taking down the League of Villains. Take it as me taking you under my wing after the Hawks incident or take it as an equals agreement."

"Either way, I'd like to work with you on this case."

It takes me some time to take in his words and when I finally process what he's asking, I shake myself out of my trance. He wants to work with me on taking down Tomura?

I consider everything Tomura's put me through, the abuse and the constant torment. It doesn't take me long to agree with Endeavor and thank him for the opportunity.

Why? Well, Endeavor isn't exactly my favorite person after what he put Shoto through but I want to ruin Tomura for what he did to me growing up. And the only way for me to do as such is for me to team with Endeavor.

"Would you like a ride back to Musutafu?" I look at his black car and consider it for a second before I shake my head. "It's in the opposite direction of your home. And besides, I need to clear my head."

It's been a tough couple of weeks, I'll be fine to walk.

He watches me for a second before nodding and saying his goodbyes, exchanging contacts with me in order for him to keep me in the loop. I ring his number and sure enough, I got the right number.

Tokyo's streets are busy at night so I don't fear getting jumped or anything of the sort. Instead, I find solace in greeting the public, most of them being fans of mine.

It still baffles me that I have supporters after all the crimes I've committed in life.

I find myself relaxing as I fade through the crowded streets. Crowds of people seem to form whichever way I progress, them asking for pictures and autographs.

A cute little girl asks me for a hug and I almost cry when she shows me a drawing of her and I. I scoop her up in my arms and give her the best hug I've ever given anyone in the entirety of my life.

"You're so pretty!" She mumbles into the hug and I feel tears form in my eyes as I let out a broken awe. People film our interaction but I can't bring myself to care about the intrusion.

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