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After the sports festival had wrapped up, we sat in class as Aizawa announced our two day break. He congratulated the winners and he then dismissed us, walking out of the room.

The class started gossiping as I packed my bag up. "That sports festival was crazy." Sero smirked as he leaned against his table. "Right!?" Ashido agreed with him.

She then snapped her fingers, spinning on her heels and she turned to me, "Our match was super fun! You're really talented Maindo!" She beamed at me.

I looked up at her with my usual expression and Uraraka spoke, "Yeah! I can't believe you won second place, you've got some scary skills." She smiled at me as she sat on her desk.

I glanced at her, "Your strategy during your match against Bakugo was nicely thought out." I mentioned, deciding to not totally ignore them.

Afterall, I had to gain their trust.

Everyone looked shocked at my words but Uraraka gave me a smile in turn and thanked me. They went back to their gossip and I stood up. I grabbed my hair and tied it into a ponytail, deciding on keeping it out my face.

"So," Kaminari blocked my way out as he leaned against my desk, crossing his arms. I met his eyes, giving him a blank look before narrowing my eyes as I knew what he was about to say, "What's the story on that?" He pointed to my soulmate mark.

I pulled my white school shirt further down to cover the red tattoo. I made an advance to move and he blocked me again, "Come on! Please!" He pouted, giving me the weirdest puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen.

I spoke with an unbothered facial expression, "First off, what the fuck are you doing with your face? You look like a constipated Pikachu." I said making him look at me in faux offense.

"And get out of my way before I choke your annoying ass." I spat making everybody stare in shock as I don't get annoyed often. Even Bakugo looked shocked.

Kaminari grinned, "I didn't know you were into that Maindo." I was going to kill him. He was going to end up a very dead looking Pikachu if he didn't heed my warning.

I gave him a warning glare and he backed off, "Hit me up if you want a free choking session!" He shouted as I closed the door to loud laughter.


Walking down the road was peaceful. I let my hair down and looked around. The birds of the summer chirped as the evening sun sat on the horizon. Summer was nice but my favorite season is Autumn.

The orange hues and pumpkin spice lattes that accompanied the scary season kept me at ease. It was a shame I'd have to wait half a year until then. The only downside of the Autumn season was winter followed right after.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the vibe of the delicate snow but the cold that followed it made me hate it all together. Not to mention the wretched Christmas season.

I kicked a stray rock as I walked down the concrete path. I felt a presence fall into step with me and my body went into high alert in exchange.

I turned to be met with red and white hair. Furrowing my brows, I didn't stop walking down the road. I kept kicking my rock, my eyes on the ground as Todoroki walked next to me.

The silence wasn't awkward but the notion of his presence sent me into defense mode. He made me feel vulnerable and I hated it.

After what I had found out today, I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye. I couldn't read him like I could read everyone else. No one was a mystery to me but this boy standing next to me— this boy was.

The silence became awkward and I almost killed him for it. I didn't like the feeling of awkwardness, it made me feel weak. I had no choice but to break it in order to save myself from the feeling.

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