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It was the end of the school day and as soon as the electronic buzz of the U.A high bell rang, I walked straight towards the door.

Midoriya rushed in at the same time and he would have ran into me had I not stepped back.

His eyes widened, "Maindo..." He breathed out in an almost breathless tone. I looked at him with my usual blank expression. "Have you uh- seen Kachan?" He asked nervously.

I tried to figure him out as I observed him, there was something about him that was inexplicably off.

I didn't answer him but I didn't have to when Kirishima did it for me, "He left just before you got here." He told the greenette.

Midoriya smiled at him, then gave me a frown before he ran back out of the door. I furrowed my brows a smidge before I decided to follow him.

"Wait, Maindo!" Kaminari shouted as I reached for the door handle. My shoulders slumped half an inch before I reluctantly closed the door again.

I turned to him and a few had already left but there were alot of students still here. He walked over, "Can I uh- get your number?" He asked with a hopeful smile on his face as he met my eyes. He had an obvious crush on me.

I regarded him for a beat before staring down at the red writing on his wrist. I then looked back up at him and let a few seconds pass before I spoke, "Your tattoo is red." I said in a soothingly monotone voice.

The class shot their attention towards us, suddenly extremely interested as I had never spoken before—save for Ojiro. The blonde's eyes widened as he gripped his wrist to check, "Shit, you're right!" He shouted.

I watched him with evaluating eyes as he looked around frantically. "Anyone's soulmate mark turn red!?" He shouted to the class. Everyone checked their wrists and most said no.

He started to panic, "What if it's AllMight or worse, Mr. Aizawa!?" He shrieked scraping together the remnants of his dignity. He then turned back to me, "Wait, is it you!?" He said hopefully.

I shook my head and turned to the door, "I have a feeling it's Kyoka Jiro." I monotoned as I slipped out of the class. I had met her eyes and heard her frantic thoughts about him. I left behind the chaotic class and walked outside the building.

The evening breeze fluttered through my hair, a sense of serenity sweeping over the school grounds. I witnessed Bakugo wipe his tears away as he stormed away from a concerned Midoriya.

AllMight said something to Midoriya and they turned around to freeze at the sight of me. I eyed the hand AllMight had on Midoriya's shoulder with calculating eyes.

Did they have more than a student-teacher relationship? What was the deal with Midoriya? Questions buzzed through my brain only to be cut off by AllMight.

"Young Maindo! Heading home?" He asked with a smile as he retracted his hand from Midoriya's shoulder. I looked into his eyes and shock gripped my gut.

He gave his quirk to Midoriya? Is that what's so off about the green haired boy? The more I read his mind, the more it all started to make sense.

I walked past them without another word, making my way down the road.

I stored the notion of their connection in the back of my mind as I walked down the pathway. I'd wait to tell father, see if I can gather more information.

My mind wandered to the mock battle earlier today and burning fury simmered through my stomach.

The half red, half white haired boy flashed through my mind and I kicked a rock, hitting something that swore in response. I looked up and Bakugo whipped his head around, his face streaked with dry tears.

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