seventy one

333 14 5

"Bro, that movie was sick!" Kirishima pumps his fist as we all leave the cinema, the cold night air grazing my skin as we walk into the busy metropolitan street.

"I counter that with a fuck you." Denki's lip trembles as he holds onto Jiro's hand like it's a lifeline. "I'm going to shit my pants." Mina groans as she curls her lip up, "TMI, Denks."

I swing Shoto's hand as we walk, people stopping and staring at the eight of us. "That movie was child's play! Where the hell was the scary part!?" Katsuki shouts with an eye roll, Denki still shaking like a stick.

Midoriya is sweating and I laugh as Shoto asks him what's wrong, making the greenette jump. "Deku's scared of scary movies because he's a fucking wimp." I slap the back of Katsuki's head and tell him to be nice.

"Fuck you talkin' 'bout!? I am nice!" I roll my eyes in response because that's the biggest bullshit I've heard all day. He's not nice to Midoriya. Infact, he targets him more than anyone else.

"What are we gonna do now?" Mina asks as we stop at a crossroads, waiting for the green light to turn red. "I'm hungry." Denki sobs and I shoot him a withering look.

"You're always hungry, Denki." He frowns and then begins to complain about how I'm wrong. "Why don't we go to eat? We haven't had dinner yet, anyway." Kirishima suggests and after a bit of arguing, we all agree.

"Are you cold, love?" Shoto asks me as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, letting a flurry of butterflies out of their cage. "I'm fine." He smiles a little and kisses the top of my head.

Katsuki gags and turns his nose up at us and I flip him off making him roll his eyes. "Just cause you don't have any rizz doesn't mean you can take your frustration out on us." I roll my eyes.

He scoffs in outrage, "I have rizz!" He then scans us all as we chuckle before his eyes land on Midoriya. He tugs the green haired boy towards him by the elbow and then grabs his waist.

His other hand grabs his chin and he roughly tugs at the corner of his bottom lip with his thumb. Midoriya is wide-eyed and a firey blush works it's way up his neck.

Everyone gasps and then we all coo at them. This snaps them out of whatever the hell was happening between them, Katsuki stepping back with a scowl and maroon cheeks.

He turns to me, "See? I have rizz." A shit eating grin is etched into my lips and his scowl deepens. "Didn't doubt you for a second, Thotsuki." Everyone breaks out into boisterous laughter.

I watch as Denki bothers Katsuki by teasing him, a wide smile stretching my lips and brightening up my face. I can't help the swell of happiness from crowding my chest. It feels weird that there was a time I didn't know them‐-- a time I was sad and scared.

My moment of glee is cut short when a bomb like sound goes off from the road up ahead of us. We all stop smiling when a flurry of screams sound through the night sky.

It's like all our hearts stop beating for a long second, the noise of the surrounding world blurring away. An echoing beat of my heart snapping back into action has me teetering on my feet.

A huge skyscraper goes up in flames from up ahead and my eyes widen as I watch small chunks of debris sand from the behemoth of a structure.

"Shit." Denki mutters and then I'm running through the highway and jumping over cars in less than half a second.

"Everyone stay back!" My shout echoes as I use my telekinesis to make objects land in front of me, making me jump off cars and onto scraps of metal I'd torn from buildings.

I hear my friends shouting orders to the people as I race up the road and towards the skyscraper. As I reach the structure, it begins to tilt sideways and my heart drops as I hear the bystanders scream in fear.

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