thirty four

560 21 12

Nights like these are cold in the city.

As I walk down the road in Kamino Ward, I feel almost empty. Memories from last weekend's pool trip have left me feeling angry and insecure.

I remember Shoto trying to speak to me but I brushed him off, telling him I was going home and he could text me if it was urgent.

I've been ignoring my phone as I don't feel like talking to anyone right now. Staying at home and wallowing in self pity wasn't ideally something I would normally do but I did it anyway.

I would have been doing that right now but I got a call from Tomura telling me to come to the bar so here I am, standing infront of the door. He didn't give me any details– the only thing he told me was not to be late.

I open the door and waltz into the bar as if I own the place. Tugging my hoodie off my head, I look around to meet the eyes of seven new villains. They all zero in on me and I give them a blank stare as they size me up.

"What's a child doing here?" A masked man spoke in a posh accent. He looked like a magician and even though I couldn't see his eyes, I could sense his judgment.

I whipped a knife towards him faster than he could think and it pinned his shirt to the wall he was leaning on. An accumulation of gasps sounded around the bar but I payed them no mind.

"This child could kill you so I'd shut your mouth Compress." Dabi's voice was amused voice and I leveled him with a neutral face.

He was smug and his eyes pierced me like bullets as if he knew me better than I knew myself. I didn't like it.

Toga giggled as she rocked on a bar stool, "You're so silly, Ikari baby." My knife narrowly missed her, slicing her ear like a paper cut. She shrieked and I shot her an angry glare.

"You call me by my second name or you lose your rights to live," she shriveled up in her chair in fear, "forever." I heard a sigh come from Kurogiri before my gaze landed on my brother.

He narrowed his eyes, "Unpin him." I'm assuming he was referring to this so called 'Compress' so I did. The knife bounced back into the open hand I had raised in the air.

"What's this? Who're these losers?" My voice was neutral as I spoke, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "These 'losers' are the vanguard action squad and you shall treat them accordingly." My brother's voice held a warning that I reluctantly followed.

I gave a single nod as I headed for the fridge to retrieve a chocolate bar. "Who is she?" A lizard spoke up as he watched me raid the fridge. "The name's Ikari Maindo. I'm a villain," the words tasted weird on my tongue.

"You may have heard of me as the first in line to the top of the league." I heard a crash and I looked to my brother to see he had smashed a small cup that sat on the bar.

"Second in line." He grit out and I waved my hand in the air in a dismissive manner. Wanting to be at the top hasn't been on my mind at all lately, the only thing occupying my thoughts being Shoto.

"You're siblings!?" Another masked villain said. His mind was a chaotic mess and I tried to avoid reading it to save myself a headache. "That's weird. I like it!" He contradicted himself.

"They are siblings. The children of master." Kurogiri explained and I almost flinched at the reminder of my father. Traitor. My mind accused me as if I was doing something wrong.

"Why am I here?" I snapped at my brother, not feeling particularly patient. The fear of him hurting me still hung in the back of my mind but I pushed it down. I had made a promise to stick up for myself and I intend on keeping it.

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