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The sound of feet on hard ceramic echoed through the desolate hallways as I walked towards my brother's room.

He texted me to meet him there and I knew better than to disobey him.

Ignoring the fear that left a slight sheen of sweat on the surface of my skin, I took a deep breath as I reached for the door handle to his ever so depressing room.

The League had bases everywhere but the headquarters was in the mountains of the Japanese Alps. It was always cold up here and the treck up the mountains would be impossible if it weren't for my motorbike.

Top league associates had rooms here and I was one of them, alongside my brother. Being the children of the most evil man on the planet gave us unmistakable luxury but it was all for naught in my opinion.

It didn't matter how many things my father gave me, the only thing I truly wanted from him was his recognition—his love.

He hasn't been the most present person in my childhood, leaving me to be raised by my brother and a few hired villains.

The goal is to become his right hand man, in turn, earning his validation. It's all I've ever wanted and I will achieve it no matter what.

If it takes me bringing U.A down to its knees in exchange, I'll do it without question.

I walked into the carpet claded room, my strides careful and precise. I had been trained to precision my entire life, every move I made was careful and assessing.

My brother sat on his bed frowning at his phone, his head shooting up towards me when I closed the door behind me. His bed sat to the right side of the room, draped in black covers that mirrored his curtains.

I gave no emotion as I regarded him, "Brother." The word was calm and firm as I stood infront of the door. Closing his phone off, he looked at me with furious eyes.

My heart plummeted into the depths of my stomach.

He bounced off his bed, taking angry strides towards me as he closed the space between us. "Where the fuck have you been?" He hissed as he grabbed a clump of my hair, his hand cladded in his usual four fingered gloves.

I didn't flinch as he tugged on my hair, my face tight with indifference.

Although, inside I was a panicking mess."I had fallen unconscious yesterday morning, your knife wound in my stomach caused me many a problem." My voice was calm as I spoke.

He scowled, "You fainted?" The last word held a special type of venom as it tore from his lips. "I did. I lost far too much blood and gave out during a presentation." I didn't mention the part where it was a hero name presentation.

He tugged my hair harder, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." He spat in my face, his red eyes shining with anger.

I decided to choose my next words carefully even as my pulse roared through my body like a stampede.

"They took me to the clinic to help me and they saw my body..." I trailed off. His hold weakened a bit at my words and his eyes grew stoney: sending a new sense of fear through me.

He didn't speak so I continued, "I blamed myself. I told them I was angry and I didn't mean for it to happen. They asked for my parents and I told them I didn't have any." His scowl grew but he didn't speak.

"In any case, my homeroom teacher is going to be keeping an eye on me." I informed him in an even tone.

He pulled my hair harder, "I have no qualms with killing you this instant." My blood ran cold but I didn't show my fear on my face.

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