forty two

447 19 8

TW: Abuse

I'm sure I've been stabbed over a thousand times and I've been electrocuted atleast twenty times for minutes on end. Or maybe I've only been stabbed a hundred times and I've been electrocuted five times.

Time is an illusion at this point.

Blood is all I feel and it makes me feel like a greasy mess- as if I've been dipped in boiling oil because the blood feels hot on my skin.

At first, I tried to hold in my screams and cries of pain as to not concern Katsuki but as time went on, I couldn't think straight enough for such things.

Tomura has left me here overnight but he had been torturing me for atleast twenty four hours straight before that. As I lay almost lifeless on the cold floor in the dark, I think of Shoto.

I always think of Shoto.

I wonder if he's worried or if the news about me being a villain has gotten out. Does he hate me now? I instantly scold myself for such thoughts. Of course he hates me, who wouldn't?

But a tiny part of me can't help but hope he's worried sick and out searching. My mind drifts to Katsuki, his screams and shouts died out hours ago but there's an occasional wail of my name.

Everytime he calls my name, he sounds like he's been crying. The sound of my name sounds like a weep as he calls it every few hours. He needs to get out of here and I need to save him.

It's ironic, I'm bleeding out and on the brink of death but I'm thinking of his safety instead of mine. I guess that's just how much I love him.

I love him enough to worry for him on my death bed.

I needed to formulate a plan to get him out of here and fast. First, I need to be alive in order to do so but it's looking pretty grim for me right now.

If I don't get medical attention fast, I'll surely bleed to death and then I'll have no chance of saving him. I ran the probabilities through my head.

I have no means of finding any needle and thread or even heat and some metal to soil my wounds so finding help myself is out of the question.

Calling for help won't do me any good either, the bastard villains being far too loyal to betray Tomura. If I tried to escape and find a hero, I'd die before I make it to them.

The only solid plan I had was if I acted like Tomura had tortured me into submission, giving him an ego boost. He'll let me patch myself up before taking me back to the bar to speak to Katsuki.

That way, I'll be able to communicate telepathically with Katsuki and we'll be able to formulate a plan of escape. I didn't want to submit to Tomura-even if it was all a ruse-but it was the only solid plan I had.

I still needed a plan B, though. So I let my brain work through everything I had. I wished I could teleport but I had been trying to for the last six hours and I couldn't even read anyone's mind.

I can't use my quirk- my energy been drained ever since camp. I haven't eaten in seventy two hours so that hasn't contributed anything positive to my lack of energy.

My knives were confiscated from the second I awoke in the bar so they're out of the question. I had clothes on me, granted, they're thoroughly bloody but they're still clothes.

I shifted a little, my arm feeling dead as I had been lying on it for the last six hours. I heard the shuffling of metal and my attempt at furrowing my brows met me with sparks of sharp pain.

Tomura hadn't put any cuffs on me as he gloated that I'd be dead by morning anyway so the sound of metal made me feel alert.

I moved again to see if I could hear the sound and when it came again, I thought of the possibilities of what it could be. I wasn't wearing any earrings and I didn't wear jewelry-

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