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I stood behind a tree as I clutched my knife in my right hand. This is what I did, I was given a mission and I completed it without question.

My victim today, a boy my age. When Tomura gave me the mission, I thought it odd to have to kill a ten year old. Now that I'm here though, I understand.

He kicked a training dummy in the garden as his doting father—the number two hero—shouted at him. He looked tired as sweat drenched his t-shirt and I frowned at the sight.

He missed a kick and his father slapped him across the face with his hand, a red mark showing up on his dirt streaked cheek. I flinched at the sight.

I had grown used to the same kind of treatment from my older brother but seeing someone endure the same thing made anger rise inside me.

He didn't cry nor flinch at the slap and his father shouted some cruel words before walking inside the house, slamming the door. The boy stood there for a minute until he fell to his knees and shook with tears.

I grit my teeth as I second guessed myself. I had to complete the mission. But one more look at him made me sheath my knife and step back.

I couldn't do it. He didn't deserve death, he was just a kid. He was just like me. I cursed myself as I made my way back home.

My brother was going to kill me.


My eyes adjusted to the synthetic light of a sterile smelling room and I blinked at the ceiling. I couldn't remember how I got there at first but soon, it all came flooding back to me.

I sat up against the nurses bed I lay on and reached for the glass of water on the side table. After downing the cup, I placed it back on the glass table and looked around the room.

The door opened and Recovery girl walked in with Aizawa. "Ah, you're awake." Recovery Girl gave me a sweet smile. I kept my neutral expression as they closed the door behind them.

"How long have I been out?" I asked them, my voice rougher than usual. "24 hours." Recovery girl informed me as she looked through her clipboard.

My eyes widened in shock and I looked around for my phone. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I chanted in my head. "Where's my phone?" I asked in a void tone.

"It's in your bag," Aizawa pointed to where my bag sat, "You can check it later but first, we need to talk." He said solemnly.

My blood thinned at his tone of voice.

I sat up straighter, locked eyes with him and read his mind. I internally sighed in relief when he didn't know my true intentions. "Okay." I said in a neutral tone.

He sat in the chair next to the nurses bed and we watched eachother for a second. "Before we start, why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

I furrowed my brows and he continued, "If you came to me before you split your stitching, this could have been avoided." I stared at my hands in the wake of his words.

I didn't answer him. How could I?

"I understand, it won't happen again." I said in an emotionless voice. He regarded me and I flinched before he spoke his next words, "Who is it?" He demanded.

I shook my head and lied, "No one." He scowled as he sat in the plastic chair, "So you're telling me, you stabbed yourself?" His voice was highly skeptical.

I had no choice but to nod. He shook his head, "I dont believe you." He said bluntly making me almost flinch. Ofcourse he didn't. I don't even believe myself and I'm the one lying.

"I did." I reaffirmed my previous admittance. He narrowed his eyes, "You have scars all over your body Maindo." His tone was accusatory.

I didn't answer him and he spoke, "I need to speak to your parents." I shook my head and looked down at my hands, "I dont have any." It was a lie.

I may not have a mother but I definitely have a father. But how could I tell him my father was one of the most evil men in the world? I simply couldn't.

His brows shot up, "You're an orphan?" I nodded my head and spoke up, lying more, "When my parents died, they left me in the will so I have the means to survive until I'm eighteen." I explained the lie.

Lies, Lies, Lies.

He scowled a bit, "So you have no family?" He asked trying to reaffirm my words. At my nod, he sighed, pinching his nose. I didn't know what to do. Tomura has compromised me with his selfish desires for my turmoil.

Aizawa opened his mouth, "This still doesn't explain the state of your body Maindo." He muttered as he analyzed my facial expression.

I sighed in exasperation, "I already told you. I don't know what you want from me Aizawa." I shook my head as I looked up at the ceiling.

"I want you to be safe. It may not look like it but I care for my students." He ran a lazy hand through his black hair.

"I am safe. I just got angry with myself. I get angry alot." I lied.

I wasn't one to get angry often. Sure, maybe annoyed but anger wasn't something I often showed. But when I did, I was more likely to harm others than myself.

He squinted at me, "I'm going to be monitoring you. If I catch even a scratch on you, there will be consequences Maindo." He said pointedly as he assessed me.

I wish I could ask him for help but I couldn't. I didn't need saving by these corrupt heroes. I needed my brother to stop hurting me.

I just needed my father to love me.

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