seventy two

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After my friends returned, we got minor medical help and the police asked us some questions before we were on our way.

An hour passed before we arrived back at the dorms and I was holding myself together by a thread. Nerves and tears crowded the base of my neck like a noose. Our classmates were waiting for us, Aizawa sitting with them.

"We're so proud of you all for your noble act." Iida greeted my friends and I, the class following. He's going to target them. As he said, no one is safe where he is involved. Everyone is in danger because of me and I felt sick just thinking about it.

I felt like a shell of the girl I was before I saw him, spoke to him and fought him. One thing about Tomura is, he never says anything he doesn't mean. So if he really says he will target my loved ones, he means it.

After some encouraging words from my classmates, many of them go upstairs. The only ones left downstairs are Shoto, Katsuki and Aizawa. I sit on the couch, my mind a haze of emotion as I stare at the floor.

I haven't said a word since answering yes or no questions from the cops. "How are you feeling, Ikari?" Aizawa asks me, my lips quivering a little at his kind question. Although I get asked such questions often, not one goes by unnoticed.

"I feel sick," I pause, the three of them looking confused. "I feel like my stomach is tearing itself apart with nerves because I now know what he wants." They're quiet, letting me talk.

"He's going to target everyone I love in order to get it too. No one is safe where he's involved." My fist shakes and I bite my lip to prevent myself from crying as his voice ricochets in my brain. A hero doesn't cry because a villain threatened them. I berate myself.

"He won't do shit! I won't let him hurt you ever again." Katsuki grits his teeth and I give him a small smile before it falters.

"Tomura doesn't just say things because he feels like it. Everything he does has a purpose and if it doesn't, he simply wants something and is unable to get it."

"What does he want?" Aizawa asks as he sits across from Shoto and I. I regard him for a second before realization sets into his facial features. "All for One." I nod my head with a small sniffle.

Shoto grabs my hand, confusion setting on his face. "What's All for One? Isn't that your father?" My lip trembles but I bite it hard, a coppery taste flooding my mouth. "It's that bastards quirk. When he passed, it passed onto me because unfortunately I'm his blood."

Shoto nods in understanding as he caresses my hand with his, a thoughtful look on his face. "What do you believe his next move to be?" My homeroom teacher quizzes me, my eyes falling back toward him.

"It's obvious, isn't it? He's going to get revenge."


It's a Saturday when Shoto and I are shopping at the mall for Eri's birthday and Christmas. The winter is cold this year but when I'm with my soulmate, I always feel warm and full.

"Look at this," he grabbed a small shirt that said, 'Daddy's little angel' with a half fire half ice look to it. He grins at me and I chuckle, stepping closer to him so I could look at it too.

"Are you trying to hint at something or am I reading this wrong?" I laugh and shake my head as he rolls his eyes at my joke. I add, "It's not really my size but sure." He gives me a withering look and I laugh even harder, unable to help myself.

"I'm buying it." He says putting it in our cart. I look at him like he's crazy, "Shoto, it's too small for you." He gives me a small smile and my heart melts as he places a hand on my waist.

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