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The sun reflects off the metal platform my class and I stand on, beating it's unrelenting heat down as I adjust my knife holsters.

My black catsuit is tight against my skin as usual, the carbon black holsters on my legs glinting in the bright light. Spring has just about scraped it's way into the year but I'm slightly ruffled at the heat.

My attention snaps away from my useless fiddling when five teachers walk up the steps and onto the metal platform in Ground Gamma.

My mother and Aizawa are first up, AllMight and Vlad King following them with Ms. Joke. I begin to realize the possible seriousness of this training session. If Vlad King is here, that means Class 1-B aren't going to be far behind.

My eyes flit over to a new face that joins the five teachers--- it's a girl our age. Her blonde hair is up high in a ponytail and she wears a super cute hero suit.

It's a pink and white mini-dress, a corset clinging to her upper body. She wears pink high platform heels too. I take note of how stylish her suit is. Her purple eyes are bright and her face sports the tiniest of smiles.

She's is so fuckin' cute.

"Listen up!" Aizawa gains the full attention of my classmates. "Today we're doing battle training a little different. Class B," the aforementioned class walk down the opposite end of the platform.

"Will be joining you." Their homeroom teacher, Vlad King, takes Aizawa's pause in speech as his moment to speak up. "A little class against class competition to see who's superior."

I almost roll my eyes at the promise in his words, as if his class were better than ours. If they need the support of their homeroom teacher to do well, they're even more of a joke than I thought.

"Vlad, please," Aizawa rolls his eyes, a shake of his head accompanying the gesture. I then watch Hitoshi walk onto the viewing deck, his black hero suit and capture weapon an almost identical mirror of his father's.

They do say like father, like son and I can certainly see the resemblances between the two as he takes his position next to the stylish blonde girl.

Aizawa speaks again, "Today, we're joined by General Studies student, Hitoshi Shinso." At the mention of his name, he steps forward and looks out at us all.

"Shinso may be joining Class 1-A next year and he's here to prove himself." Midoriya mutters from my left, green eyes widening. "He's joining us, that's amazing!" I crack a smile at his enthusiasm.

A few murmurs sound throughout my class before Aizawa speaks up again, Hitoshi stepping back in line with the Pros and the girl.

"Accompanying him, we have a Shiketsu High student who took the hero world by surprise during Shiketsu's Sports festival." My eyes flit to the girl and my lip quirks imperceptibly as she steps forward.

"UA has been scouting her since way back then seeing as her talents are unmatched by even Pro heroes." My eyebrows raise an inch at that. So she's a boss bitch?

My classmates murmur again at that, Shoto muttering from next to me, "An impressive feat to be labeled as such." I nod my head once at that before Aizawa continues.

"Kids, greet Rika Imasu with open arms as she may be joining us next year." I watch the blonde girl bow and I cock my head as I smile a little. She's such a cutie.

I watch her and Hitoshi look at eachother for a long second before Aizawa speaks, "Now that that's over, I'll be explaining the premise of this exercise "

"There'll be five teams of four from each class but one round will have an extra student added to each class. Ergo, Shinso and Imasu." I eye the two students again.

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