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Practicing for the sports festival was all I did lately.

My father said it wasn't necessary for me to win but he said he wanted to see my skills and that was what led me to pushing my limits. That and the endless threats from my brother.

Two weeks since the USJ incident and two weeks since my tattoo turned red. I hadn't looked at Todoroki since but I often felt his gaze on me during practice and in class too.

He sat next to me so it wasn't like I couldn't see him eyeing me from my peripheral vision. The good thing was, he hadn't approached me since our joint revelation.

I drummed my fingers on the plastic table as I sat in the waiting room with my class. I sat next to Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari sitting infront of us.

The two brain numbing boys droned on about something or other. I couldn't bring myself to tune into their conversation.

"Midoriya." A familiar masculine voice spoke. I looked up and the peppermint haired boy stood infront of Midoriya. "Todoroki? What's up?" The greenette smiled up at the stoic boy.

"I just wanted to say I don't know what's going on with you and AllMight, I don't intend to pry either but I'm going to beat you." He said coldly, his tone rivaling my own cold voice.

Midoriya was taken aback as he stared up at the half and half, "I-" He stuttered, tripping over his words. He then looked down and steeled his expression.

"I don't know what made you feel like you had to say this to me. You're stronger than me. Infact you're probably the strongest here." Midoriya said.

Kirishima stood up, "Hey man don't you think that's a bit harsh?" He placed a hand on the shorter's shoulder. "That damn Deku. What a dumbass." I heard Katsuki think as I met his eyes.

"Indeed a dumbass." I drawled to him mentally. Bakugo had grown used to my voice in his head so he hadn't flinched but he let out a huff of agreement.

Midoriya knocked Kirishimas hand away, "No, it's true." He said, "But everyone is going to be giving it their all today and so am I. I'm reaching for the top!" The greenette said rather confidently.

I eyed him with my usual neutral face, unperturbed by his speech. If you needed a few 'inspirational words' to do well in life, you needed to rethink your life choices.

Todoroki looked at him with an icy expression, "Yeah." He muttered before leaving the room. "Icyhots mad. Hide before he starts singing 'Let it Go'." Bakugo rolled his crimson eyes as I looked into them. I snorted quietly and then wiped the emotion off my face.

What am I doing almost laughing? I was here for a mission not a laugh fest, damnit!

The sports festival had hit off and we all stood infront of the obstacle course. When the countdown finished everyone ran through the narrow hallway.

I hit people and pushed, escaping before everyone else. I needed to run so I did. I ran faster than I had ever ran in my life. Todoroki passed me on his ice as I reached the first obstacle.

I scowled and punched a hole through a robot, my skin ripping off my knuckles. I felt no pain. A zero pointer blocked the pathway and I stopped, ripping the metal off its right reg.

My skin dripped with a never ending stream of blood: I didn't give it a second thought. Nothing I haven't experienced before.

I stood on the scrap of metal, blood streaking the corner of the green material.

A few students passed me and the robot began to fall over as Todoroki had struck it with his ice. I used my telekinesis to raise the metal off the ground. I sat on the metal piece as it flew me through the air.

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