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The class stood around the train station as we waited for Aizawa to take attendance– he was rather slow when it came down to it. The class chattered and I stared down at my phone as I waited for the go ahead.

Our class drew quite the attention as we were at the top of the sports festival but everyone kept their distance as it was illegal to distract heroes during missions or at any time of the day unless the hero welcomed it.

Bakugo, Kirishima, Ashido and Kaminari stood by me—I ignored them. "Maindo! Are ya excited!?" Kaminari buzzed, rocking on his feet. I frowned down at my phone and he spoke again.

"You're so cute and shy!" Kaminari gushed as he reached to pinch my cheek. I slapped his hand away, met his eyes and spoke to him telepathically,

"I'm not shy nor cute. Try to touch me again and I'll jar your organs, showing you just how cute I can be." The scream he let out almost made me laugh.

He blubbered as he pointed at me, his hand shaking. Kirishima and Ashido looked concerned meanwhile Bakugo smirked so hard, I thought he was going to turn into a demon.

"Telepathy?" Katsuki asked me in his mind as we met eyes. "Scared the little shit half to death." I responded. A dark chuckle rippled from his throat as he held up a fist for me to fist bump, I didn't leave him hanging as we watched Kaminari freak out.

"Maindo and Bakugo, stop scaring Kaminari or it's detention." Aizawa's voice sounded from the front of the class as we stood in the station.

I almost frowned as he ruined our fun but watching Kaminari freak out payed off. "Y-You. Mind. Talk. H-How!?" Kaminari cried as Ashido rubbed his back in confusion.

I looked at him blankly, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I hadn't told anyone in my class about my quirk—save for Bakugo and Todoroki. It's not that I didn't trust them– okay maybe I didn't trust them point blank.

But I do like the element of surprise. After Aizawa lectured us about the rules to our internships, he told us to go our own ways. "Not you, Maindo. We need to talk."

I stood infront of the Raven haired teacher as everyone went their own ways, "Yes?" I wasn't exactly impatient, I just didn't like wasting time. Okay, maybe I did have a thin layer of patience.

He assessed me, "I haven't seen any new injuries on you lately but I want to let you know that if you come back with any injuries whatsoever, we will have trouble. Understood?" He affirmed as I stood holding my suitcase and my costume case.

I nodded strongly, "I understand. You don't need to worry about me Aizawa, I have no intention of harming myself any longer." And I was partly right.

Tomura hadn't hurt me since the deal and I didn't think he would harm me while I was on a week's internship. I wasn't even at home for him to do so.

Aizawa sighed in resignation, his gaze softening, "Have fun and work hard, Maindo." With that I walked down towards where I were to catch the train to Tokyo.

Upon arrival at the terminal, I spotted a familiar boy sitting on a bench while scrolling through his phone. "Todoroki?" He looked up to me and he put his phone away, standing up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he stood. Shrugging, he spoke, "We're going the same way so I thought I could accompany you." I nodded in understanding, not really minding as we were heading the same way.

He handed me a warm tumbler cup and my eyes widened a slight bit, "What's this?" I asked as I inspected it. "A drink." He monotoned making me roll my eyes.

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