twenty three

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The rest of the internship went by in a flash.

Before we knew it, we were standing by the entrance, Endeavor infront of us. "Work hard and keep a level head." Endeavor gave us words of guidance.

I nodded my head once in tandem with Todoroki. "I'd say thank you but I won't give you the satisfaction." He glared at my words before he sighed in resignation.

"I can't believe you're going to be my daughter in law one day." My cheeks heated to the temperature of the sun and I gave him an angry glare.

Todoroki looked amused and I gave him an angry squint, my glare watering down when I looked at him.

I avoided eye contact with the half and half. "Shut up." The fire hero only smirked in response making me want to slap him even more, I settled for a mental fuck off.

We said our goodbyes and then set off towards Musutafu, the suburb in which U.A was situated.

We sat on the train and Todoroki spoke, "Um- Maindo." He muttered as he sat next to me. I turned my face to him and gave him a 'yes' in response.

"Can I have your number?" Red coated his cheeks making me almost smile.

I decided to tease him, "I dont know. Why do you want it?" My tone was light, almost flirtatious as I spoke to him.

But that's not saying much, my tone is always subconsciously flirtatious.

His lip twitched, "I wanted you to text me Ashido's number." I gave him a deadpan look and he broke out into laughter.

I hit his shoulder playfully, "You're such an asshole." I tried to be serious but the words came out in between laughter. My laugh is free and untrained, I can't exactly say I hate it.

I snatched his phone off him and put my number in. Shoving it back in his hand, I scoffed, "Ask me for her number and you'll see what happens." He laughed again and I wanted to savor it in a glass bottle to play back on my worst days.

God, I have issues.


I don't like visiting the bar.

Infact, I hate visiting my brother's base. I'd much rather meet him in his room at the headquarters but when Tomura calls, you answer.

Walking around Kamino Ward with a hoodie on during the evening wasn't as sketchy as one would think. The city is notorious for it's industrial buildings and when the sun sets, the crime kicks in.

I wasn't scared, no, if anyone tried to jump me they'd lose their life and whatever small time criminal organization they worked for would pay gravely.

I welcomed their attempts of kidnapping.

Anyone who works for the League wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole either. I'm known for my cold heart and even colder glare. Only, unlike most villains, I have the muscle to backup my blood thinning glare.

The air was cold but the breeze that blew past me as I walked was nice, calming even. It was quiet and I liked it, it gave me time to appreciate the moment of serenity.

I heard a whimper and then a whine followed. My brows furrowed as I stopped walking to look around. It came from inside an alleyway and I walked down the dark path to identify what made the sound.

I reached a dumpster and the sight I was met with made my eyes widen. A small black puppy sat in the corner of the wall and dumpster. It looked cold and extremely hungry.

I frowned and my heart squeezed as it whimpered again. It needed food and it shivered– obviously from the cold. I was a villain and all my life my brother had tried to snuff out any ounce of empathy I had.

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