fifty six

470 15 27

It's early when I walk to the dorms, meeting with Shoto and Katsuki so we can go to our provisional hero liscense exam.

As I approach the building, I see four of my classmates standing outside. It's six a.m on a Saturday. Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka and Asui stand outside, seemingly talking.

"Good morning." They turn towards me and Kirishima beams. Wrapping him in a hug, I speak, "I'd expected you all to be in bed right now." They look grim as they shake their heads.

Midoriya speak up, "It's complicated." I don't question them but as I read their minds, I understand they're going on a mission. "I see. Well, best of luck." I walk into the dorms.

Katsuki almost pushes me out of the way as he barrels out of the door, shocking me. "Hey, asshole-!" I cut myself off when I see him wrap something around Midoriya's neck.

It's a scarf. "You forgot to wear a fucking scarf, idiot." He scoffs and turns around to storm back in the dorm building. I lock eyes with a cherry red Midoriya and gave him a knowing wink.

Following Katsuki inside, I bite my lip to hold back a laugh. Shooting me a glare as if to warn me not to open my mouth, we reach the kitchen where Shoto is eating some cereal.

"Can I have a scarf too?" I blurt and he explodes like a bomb, "Shut the fuck up, Strange!" That was a powerful fuck. That's what she said. Shut the fuck up.

I laugh like a maniac and Shoto eyes us with curiosity. I bounce over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek while stealing his cereal.

Distracted by my peck, he then looks to see his cereal gone. "Hey! I was eating that." He shot me a faux glare and I shrugged, sitting next to him on the island.

"That's the price of my fine ass, Sho." He rolled his eyes with a small smile and grabbed another spoon, eating with me. I looked up to Katsuki who was scrolling on his phone while leaning on the counter and spoke.

"So," I held back a grin as I ate the cereal. Looking up, he narrowed his eyes at me, "So what?" I shrugged, feigning indifference as I spoke through bites.

"How's Midoriya?" I asked and he set off an angry explosion, "Oh, c'mon! I'm your best friend!" He rolled his eyes and then narrowed his vermillion eyes at the half and half next to me.

"And he's his best friend." Shoto looked up and nodded, "He's right. Midoriya is my best friend." I cooed at my soulmate's words as I put my spoon down— both of us having finished the cereal bowl.

"Why? Have you got a crush on him?" I barked out boisterous laughter at Shoto's words as Katsuki set another explosion off and cursed Shoto out. "I smell denial." I muttered as I applied a fresh coat of lip gloss.

Katsuki scoffed and shot me an angry glare, "You're supposed to be on my side." I put my lip gloss away in my pocket and raised a brow. "I'm on the side of the truth. You're in love with him, stupid." Another explosion.

I raised my hands up as I hopped off the island chair, "I'm speaking the truth. I know everyone's deepest secrets." Shoto gave a smirk as he stood up, his eyes locking with mine.

"Not mine." I flipped him off, his smug face making me blush, "Fuck you." I muttered and he smiled, "Fuck you too, sweetheart." Katsuki rolled his eyes as he put his phone away.

"I hate you both." I speak up at his untruth, "Liars go to hell." He gave us the bird before walking out the kitchen, muttering that he had to grab something.

"He definitely likes Midoriya." Shoto whispered when the blonde left the room. "Oh a hundred percent!" He smiled at me and grabbed me by my waist making me squeak.

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