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The next morning, Todoroki and I met Endeavor down in the agency training rooms. He was late. "You're late by," I checked my imaginary watch as I stood in my hero costume, "twenty minutes." Talk about punctual.

"I had an urgent matter to attend to." He stood infront of us and I rolled my eyes.

I bet he uses that excuse alot.

He spoke again, "Let's get started, shall we?" We warmed up and an hour later, he spoke as Todoroki and I stood opposite eachother in the training room.

"I want you two to fight." It was so direct I didn't process it at first. Then it sank in, "As in hand to hand sparring?" I quizzed the fire hero as he stood to the side. He shook his head, "Quirks."

Todoroki and I blinked at eachother in response and I'm almost certain we were thinking the same thing. Shit. We had to try though, right?

I gave a hesitant 'Okay' and when Endeavor gave the go ahead, Todoroki shot ice at me.

I shattered it with a knife and threw my knife at him, it missed by alot—almost like he had a shield around him. He then shot a massive iceberg at me, encapsulating me in an icy prison up to my chest. I wasn't cold at all.

I touched my hand to his ice and it turned straight to water, flooding the room a bit. Endeavor stood in shock, his facial expression priceless as he stared at our fight.

Todoroki shot his fire at me and I smirked, walking straight through it. I had my costume adjusted to be fire proof as well as water proof and evidently, it was a good decision.

Todoroki had also changed his costume entirely and I have to say, it suits him very well. "Stop!" Endeavor yelled making us stop our pointless battle. Todoroki snuffed his fire out and stood straight, his father wide-eyed in shock.

"What the ever living hell was that!?" The fire heroes voice boomed, bouncing around the walls and off the ceiling. We stared at him, impassive facial expressions gracing our faces.

"How did you walk through his fire!?" He demanded in anger and shock.

My soulmate mark felt like it burned my skin as I stood infront of the fire hero. Todoroki spoke, "We can't use our quirks on eachother." He explained to his slow father.

"I realize that! Why can't you!?" He was far too loud for my liking, making my ears ring. "I have to say, you're very slow for a pro hero." It was a mere observation, I just had to omit.

His face creased with confusion and Todoroki sighed in resignation as he held his right wrist out to his father, the mark on it red. I placed my wrist next to his, mine the same color.

Endeavor's face graced nothing but pure shock, the sight was funny. "Y-You're-" He cut himself off and we finished his sentence for him at the very same time. "Soulmates." The word rolled off our tongues.

I didn't want a soulmate so why was my stomach light and feathery as if a plague of butterflies were fluttering around it? It completely contradicted my brain.

Endeavor stared at us for a long moment, "Of course you are. How could I miss it." He berated himself as he shook his head, a tiny smirk gracing his lips.

"It's rare when soulmates can't use their quirks on eachother. The odds are about one in a billion." Endeavor told us making me blink in shock. Those odds are insane. That would mean only 8 soulmates on earth have it– us included.

We didn't respond so he spoke again making me scowl before he even said it as I met his eyes. "So you two are dating." He stated so confidently yet he was so wrong. "No." Our response came at the same time.

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