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Lining up for the trip to the USJ was tiring to say the very least. Iida had been given the position of class president from Midoriya after his show of leadership skills yesterday and to say he was taking it seriously was an understatement.

He blew his whistle, "Everyone line up according to your gender!" He shouted, chopping the air with his hands. I rolled my eyes as I stared at my phone, determined to ignore his stupid orders.

He then did something he would come to regret, he blew the whistle in my face. "I said line up, Maindo!" He shouted in authority.

I looked up at him with with a face of indiffernce, gazed at his whistle and crushed it with my telekinesis.

He shrieked in shock and fear, turning to find another but coming short. "Good one Strange." Bakugo thought as I looked over at him, meeting his eyes.

"He should be thankful I didn't shove it up his ass." I spoke to him telepathically. Bakugo gave a half snort and Midoriya looked at him in shock before the blonde started cussing him out.

I got onto the bus last and the final seat was next to Bakugo. It seems like everyone had been avoiding him like the plague.

I took my seat next to him and he gave me a look but I ignored him. He didn't scare me.

The class started to talk about heroic quirks and I held my many eye rolls back by a thread. "If we're talking about flashy quirks, I'd say Bakugo and Todoroki have the flashiest." Kirishima complimented them.

"Yeah but it's not like Bakugo would ever become popular, he acts like a villain more than a hero." Tsuyu Asui said in her frog like voice. She was as blunt as they got and she was the opposite of meek.

She gazed up at me, "Maindo too." She croaked. I gazed at her evaluatingly and Kirishima spoke, "Yeah, Maindo scares me more than Bakugo." He agreed with her earning a glare out of the blonde next to me.

It's just like heroes to judge before you even open your mouth to give them something to judge. I haven't spoken more than three words since we've met.

They know nothing about me yet, their delusional desire to predict the unknown rears it's ugly head yet again.

People fear the unknown so they make predictions and inferences on it to subdue their fear. After all, you can't fear something you happen to know everything about, can you?

I gazed at Kirishima, my eyes searching him for insecurities. He shifted uncomfortably and the class fell into an awkward silence as they looked between us. "Fear of rejection." I muttered as I watched him.

He gave me a 'huh' in response and I spoke again, "Am I wrong?" I asked him and he looked at me in confusion. He wanted to be a judgey little shit? Two can play at that game.

I continued in a smooth voice, "You fear rejection and therefore you feel you have to conform to other people's interpretation of you." I reiterated as I watched him—evaluating every twitch and facial expression.

You could learn anything and everything there is to know about someone by their body language alone. It was an inter-mental bodily function to give off signals and I could read pretty much anyone.

Todoroki flashed through my mind and I pushed the mental image of him away. I could read him, my quirk was just acting up. Kirishima looked petrified as he watched me observe him. "How did you...?" He trailed off in fear.

I regarded him for a second before giving my full attention to Aizawa. "That's enough, we're here." He informed us.

After we entered the building, the space hero, thirteen, greeted us and began explaining the importance of safety.

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