seventy nine

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"Say you remember me!" These are the kind of motherfuckers I killed on a daily basis and even though I'm a fully reverted hero now, I still feel the tiniest of urges in doing so.

Simply put, they're annoying.

"Seven years ago, you were on the verge of a rampage but I showed up. You went by a villain name..." Endeavor trails off and the villain starts to rejoice at the fact that he remembers.

"Yes! That's exactly right! Oh wow, you didn't forget, thank you!" He starts to tear up and I look at him with a disgusted face, "You've made me so happy!" I teleport next to Endeavor.

"I said, give me back my son!" The villain smiles like a lunatic and it makes me want to slap it right off his face. "Sorry, Endeavor, but you gotta understand. You have so many things I could never dream of having. That's why I admire you."

"See, I have nothing in this world worth protecting. Don't think I won't kill him!" He points the white material into a sharp knife at Natsuo's head. "That depends on you, don't mess it up this time!"

He tilts his head and smiles maniacally, "I want you to murder me." This guy really needs to get a hobby or something. Hell, maybe he should get some therapy, it did me wonders.

Endeavor looks repulsed and stook in place at his request while I looked bored. "Y'know, that can be arranged if you carry on monologing like a fool." The villain looks at me and his eyes widen.

"All for One's lunatic kid? What are you doing here fighting along side a hero?" That makes me angry, who the fuck does this guy think he is calling me that name? I'm Ikari fucking Maindo. I flex my hands in anger.

"Wrong choice of words, bud."

Suddenly, a big explosion comes from the car and the boys are running towards us, Midoriya showing off mid air. "I won't let you hurt my brother!" Shoto shouts as they all grab the gear they need while running towards us.

"Endeavor, handle the villain, I'll save Natsuo." He nods and takes off in tandem with me.

The boys get tangled up in his material—which I now learn is road lines—before they set off ground shaking blasts making me smirk. The villain gets frustrated and sends cars up into the air making me freeze.

I hang back while Katsuki takes ahead of me, "I got the cars, go deal with Natsuo, Kats!" I hear a shout of agreement from my best friend while I stand below the cars and use my telekinesis to stop them mid-air and lower them to the ground safely.

"Is everyone alright?" When the people in the cars respond with shaky 'yeah's', I speed back into the fight. Shoto and I are already aiming for the villain as Endeavor stays rooted to the ground for some reason.

Shoto and I both shoot attacks at him, me using my telekinesis to bring him closer while Shoto uses his fire, us both hitting him at the same time. He gets sent flying back while Shoto encases him in his ice.

I grab the villain by his scarf as Katsuki saves Natsuo. I blink and Endeavor is hugging his other son, Katsuki in his embrace too. The blonde gets angry and escapes the tight hug with a gruff shout.

"Where's the white line moron!?" Katsuki shouts as he look over to us. Shoto stands to my right as I have the villain in my grasp, his ice coating most of his body. "He's been secured." He says in a cool manner while the villain whines and I judge the lunatic heavily.

"This is all wrong! Not you guys, not you!" He cries actual tears, them dripping onto the ground in a pathetic manner.

I shake him by his scarf, "Stop fucking crying! It's pathetic when someone who reaps havoc can't pull themself together."

Katsuki points to Midoriya and the civilians, "Extras, you alive?" I sweatdrop a little, holding back a smile when Midoriya corrects him politely. "If you mean the nice, innocent people in their cars, yeah they're fine!"

The villain doesn't heed my warning and continues to shed tears, "Why are you helping them!? You're one of us!" I scowl in response and drop him on his face.

"Oopsy fucking daisy. Guess my fingers slipped." He groans face down on the floor as I kneel next to his writhing figure. "And if you haven't figured it out already, I'm a hero. Being a villain sucked ass."

He mumbles something into the highway but I don't care enough to catch it. Natsuo pushes Endeavor away, "Get off of me!" We all stare at them in silence.

"I'm sorry. For a second, all I could think," a beat, "was if I rescued you, maybe you would never-" He cuts himself off. "You would never say anything to me again even if you were angry."

I watch as Endeavor struggles for words, "Natsuo, you may not believe this, I swear, I never meant to neglect you children. I ran from my troubles and left you responsible for too much."

He looks down, "And Touya, I might aswell have killed him myself." Except, he's not dead. We're left in silence until I hear cars honking for us to get off the highway.

"You never meant to neglect us? It doesn't matter because all I remember is feeling abandoned like Touya said. It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever forgive you. You got it?" Tears come to his eyes and I feel a swell of emotion as I watch him.

"You see, I'm not a kind hearted person like Shoto is." My eyes widen as I realize he must have heard us earlier. Endeavor speaks as he kneels infront of Natsuo still, "You say that, but you still show up for your family's sake. For your sister and for your mother."

"You're doing that so Fuyumi doesn't lose hope that we can start over. You are kind in your own way." Natsuo has tears in his eyes by this point. "It's okay if you don't forgive me."

Shoto and I stand in shock of his words, my soulmate rigid next to me. "Because I don't want forgiveness, I want to atone." Then the villain breaks out with a loud cry and I scowl down at him.

"No, Endeavor!" He whines, "Why are you suddenly being so soft! Where are your flames!? I need you to destroy me! Kill me, please!" I slap him on the back of the head as the police sirens approach.

"If you don't shut your mouth, I'll personally see to it that you never speak again." That shuts him up.


"So what's your hero name?" Natsuo asks Bakugo as we stand to the side, Endeavor dealing with the police.

"It's just Bakugo, right?" Midoriya asks him with a smile, all traces of their awkwardness from earlier tonight virtually gone.

"Wrong, nerd." Katsuki has a tint of pink on his cheeks as he looks away from him. "You finally picked one!? Tell me!" The greenette asks but Katsuki explodes in anger.

"Don't even ask! No way in hell I'll ever tell you! You can drop dead!" I sweatdrop, taking a mental note of how I'll have to speak to him about his explosive ways with Midoriya later.

Shoto speaks from my right, "How about me then?" Katsuki turns to him and shouts at him too. "Forget it! You can share the nerds coffin!" I snort a laugh at his insult before speaking up.

"How about your favorite person, Aka; me." He turns to explode at me too but then rears back when he remembers who I am and what hell I'll bring him later if he does.

He shrugs, "You'll be the first to know when I've ran it by this someone first." I smile in response and he rolls his eyes at my joy, the fans shouting to get our attention from past the police tape.

The fan girls shout Shoto's name and I scowl before grabbing his hand. I'm not a jealous person, I'm just protective of what's mine. He chuckles before wrapping an arm around me.

"Y'know, I never thought Shoto would get a soulmate." Nastuo smirks at us.

"And I never thought you'd get a personality, atleast one of us got sonething." Shoto mutters.

Damn, shots fired.

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