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We were given an hours lunch break before the final round and I took the opportunity to eat some food. I walked through the halls of the large stadium to reach an exit when I saw Bakugo leaning on a wall.

I stopped infront of him, "Still mad ab-" he cut me off by slapping a hand over my mouth.

My eyes widened and I slammed my foot onto his. He hissed and then spoke in his head as I met his eyes.

"Fucking hell Strange!" He hissed as he clutched his foot. I glared at him and then spoke telepathically, "Touch me again and I'll carve you out like a fucking jack o' lantern." He raised his hands in defense.

I heard voices and I froze. "Who the hell is that?" I asked him as we stood flush against the wall. "Icyhot and Deku." We decided to listen to their conversation. It was beyond wrong but my villainous ass didn't give two shits.

"-no one noticed besides from you but I used my fire out there." The ever so monotone voice of Todoroki filled the void halls. I had noticed too, I hadn't seen his fire before and I had to say, it was like something out of a story book.

"But besides from that, I've finally figured you out." He stated as his voice echoed through the halls. Midoriya sweatdropped, "You d-did?" His nervous voice made my ears perk up.

Had he figured out Midoriya had AllMight's quirk?

"Are you AllMight's secret love child?" Todoroki asked with a deathly serious expression. I almost chocked on thin air at the accusation, it would explain alot if he was though.

But alas, I knew he wasn't.

Midoriya panicked, "W-Wha-!?" he cut himself off as he fumbled with the right words, "No, not at all! It's not like that at all!" His defensive tone was pure comedy.

"But even if I said that I doubt you'd believe me so..." He muttered, slumping against the cold wall.

Todoroki kept his peace for awhile until he spoke, "The words, 'It's not like that at all' infers that there is something going on that you're not supposed to talk about." He interpreted.

I had to give it to him, he could read people almost as well as I could. If only I could read him. I didn't want to know about his thoughts but I felt the need to.

The revelation made me recoil.

"Whatever that may be, I won't pry into it," the half and half paused, "But just know if your connected to AllMight, it gives me all the more reason to beat you." He said, expression cold and void of any emotion.

He gazed down at his left hand and then spoke again, "As you may already know, my old man is Endeavor." He stated to the younger boy, "He wants me to beat AllMight as he's never had the fortune of beating him himself."

"He's trained me my entire life for that exact goal but I refuse to follow in his footsteps." He explained as I furrowed my brows an inch. I know this but where is he going with it?

"When I was younger my mother called my left side unsightly and then proceeded to pour boiling water onto my left eye." He admitted to the green haired boy.

My eyes widened and my breath hitched in shock. I had noticed his scar but I didn't pay any mind to it as I had many of my own. Why would she do that to her own child? My brother flashed in the forefront of my mind and I grew angry.

"My father had sent her mad with his abuse and she broke. My father thinks that I'll follow his orders but I refuse to be anything like him so I reject his accursed quirk." He spat, anger flaring in his eyes.

Midoriya went to speak but Todoroki walked away, the greenette following after him. Bakugo and I let out a shakey breath as we stepped away from the wall we were leaning against.

I knew Todoroki had more to him than meets the eye. He's a mystery to me but I'm beginning to unravel him like a ball of yarn.

Why did I give a shit? It's my job to know everything. I reassured myself.

"Well that was..." He trailed off with a grunt. I decided to finish his sentence, "Fucked up." I shook my head as I straightened my sleeves out.

We stood in silence and I broke it, "Food?" I asked earning a nod out of him. We walked towards the food stalls and he grumbled, "You almost broke my foot by the way." Picking up some ramen, we sat at a picnic table.

"Deserved." I shrugged, splitting my chopsticks as he rolled his eyes. Silence engulfed us as we ate our food. I watched as he eyed my wrist and I pulled my sports uniform down to hide it further.

He averted his eyes and I spoke, "Soulmates are stupid." I voiced earning a nod out of him. "You bet your ass they are." He agreed as he pulled his own sleeve down.


The third round was upon us and as I stood in the field waiting to observe the tournament brackets, I felt a pair of eyes fall on me. I pushed the feeling away as the screen flashed with the bracket.

"Who's Uraraka?" Bakugo muttered making me mumble under my breath, "Pink cheeks." I looked to who I was versing.

Mina Ashido stared back at me, determination flashing across her face. I gave her a blank stare before I turned to Bakugo, speaking to him telepathically, "I'd say good luck but you won't need it." I complemented subtly.

He scoffed and gave me a small smirk in thanks. After our class took their seats in the stands, the first match started. Midoriya and Shinso stood out in the field as the bell buzzed, signaling the start of their match.

Shinso brainwashed Midoriya and tried to make him walk out of bounds but I was shocked to my core when he snapped out of it with a flick of his fingers.

It was impossible so how did he do it? I got the familiar premonition of wariness when it came to that boy.
He had AllMight's quirk which makes him far more dangerous than I initially thought.

Midoriya won the first round by overpowering Shinso and I watched as Shinso sulked off the arena.

The second round was between Todoroki and Sero. As the peppermint haired boy walked onto the arena, I felt his bad mood radiate all the way up to the stands.

His scowl sent warning signals towards his opponent but for some reason, Sero ignored them. He tried swinging Todoroki out of the arena but was cut short by an iceberg shooting out of Todoroki's right side.

It reached all the way up to the stands and I almost flinched. Sero tapped out and the icy boy won. After a few rounds, it was my turn and I walked out onto the field with a neutral look on my face.

"She's got pink skin and an acidic attack, it's Mina Ashido!" Present Mic shouted as the girl walked out across the other side of the arena.

"Versus," he paused for dramatic effect, "She's been ahead of everyone all day, it's Ikari Maindo!" He announced earning cheers out of the crowd.

Yet again, Villain trumps Heroes.

The bell sounded and Mina skated around me on her acid. I stood still as she tried to push me out of the arena by coating acid infront of me.

She tried to push me, it didn't work either. She stepped back and heaved for air, "Alright, you asked for it!" She shouted as she threw acid at me.

It hit me on my shoulder and I didn't blink even as it burned through my skin. She gasped in shock and I spoke, "If you're done, I'd like to win this." I monotoned as I used my telekinesis to gather all her acid up off the floor.

Her eyes widened as I gathered it in a large ball before me, readying it for the right time. I flicked my wrist and the acid shot at her like a waterfall, knocking her out of bounds and into the opposing wall.

"Ikari Maindo wins!"

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