thirty five

485 21 8

I was packing my bags for the trip today.

Taking a few of my clothes and a few essential belongings with me was what I had decided on as I stuffed a dufflebag with what I'd need.

I sat on my bed, head in my hands as I debated on whether I should end my life right then and there. If I wasn't here, I wouldn't be able to feel the guilt that has been eating at my insides all week.

Prince jumped on my bed and nudged me with his nose so he could curl up in my lap. He looked up at me with his blue eyes and I knew right then and there it wouldn't be fair on him if I killed myself.

I loved him too much for that. Yes, I love something. I can't help loving him after how he's been here for me every second of the way since I found him in that alley all those months ago.

At night when I feel like shit and have nightmares, he curls up next to me and buries his head into the covers of my bed—as if telling me that he's here for me.

I believe romantic love is bullshit but love for an animal? That shits so real, sometimes it hurts to think he might run away one day. Though, I'd never abandon him like he was by his mother in that alleyway.

I pet him with tender care and watched as his small form climbed into my lap. Then something hit me and I almost killed myself for not thinking of it before.

He needs a place to stay while I'm on the trip.

I don't know anyone at headquarters and even if I did, it's a base full of Villains, why the hell would I trust evil people with my puppy? All my friends are coming on the trip with me so I can't ask them.

I wouldn't dare ask my father or brother as they'd kill him on purpose. I know Endeavor but I wouldn't trust him with a wad of gum so he's out of the question.

Then it hit me, what about Nemuri? I'd trust her with my life and we were pretty close. She's not coming on the trip either and she loves animals. Plus, she's been talking about meeting Prince.

You're betraying U.A. The voice reminded me and I wanted to throw up again but I forced myself to stare at the cute puppy in my lap.

I was betraying U.A, that in itself was true. It was to save the life of Shoto but I was still going to betray my friends and the school. Hell, I was betraying the entire country.

But prince had no one to look after him while I went to camp and it would kill me but if I never saw him again and he had a good home, I'd do it.

Favorite Adult🤠

Hey Nemuri, I know this
is alot to ask but could
you perhaps look after
prince while I go to camp?

Ikari! Course it's fine hun!
I need the company😅

Thank you, it means alot.

Don't mention it
You can bring him over tonight
Maybe we can have a girl's night?

I'd like that alot

Alright then
I'll see you at 6?

Cya then

I internally thank her for offering me a distraction and girl's night didn't seem too bad. I'd never had anyone to do such things with and I liked spending time with her.

I arrived at her house at six, Prince sitting patiently while we waited for the door to open. She opened it with a vibrant smile, her hair tied into a bun while she wore a crop top and some sweats.

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